30 - 20th/Snapchat

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~Mayas POV~

It was the night before my birthday and I was up at my house I was waiting until 12 to go to sleep. It was currently 11:26. I had to work tomorrow morning but after Gianna and Hope were coming over so we could hangout.

I was in bed watching TV when my phone started ringing. I looked over and seen it was Vinnie face timing me. I answered it and he smiled "of course you're in bed" he said shaking his head as I laughed.

He was sitting in his computer chair and had his phone set up on his desk. "I have to work tomorrow" I said as he shook his head. "on you're birthday?" he asked leaning back in his chair. Yeah so I can have off for yours I thought as I sighed. "Yeah but it's okay Gianna and Hope are gonna sleep over tomorrow" I said yawning.

"So why are you still up?" he asked as I checked the time again. "so I can be up at twelve" I said as he laughed a little. "okay so I'm gonna stay on the phone with you until you go to sleep" he said as I smiled, "okay deal" I said nodding my head.


"I hope Gianna and Hope bring a cake" I said as Vinnie laughed. "I'm craving one and you have to eat a piece on you're birthday" I said nodding my head. "Happy birthday!" Vinnie yelled as I smiled, "thank you" I said as I looked at the time seeing it was 12.

"I was the first person wasnt I?" Vinnie asked smiling at his phone. "of course but now I have to be the first person to say it to you" I said as he laughed.

My phone dinged and it was the group chat of Gianna, Hope and I. They were telling me happy birthday and sending me paragraphs.

I laughed as I read their messages "Gianna and Hope stayed up to" I said going back to the face-time call seeing Vinnie walking out his room.

"They're good friends" Vinnie said as he walked down his stairs. "I know I love them" I said as I started texting them back. "Happy birthday Maya!" I heard someone yell over the phone.

"that's Kio" Vinnie said holding the phone up "Thanks" I said smiling at him. "Okay I need to go to sleep" I said rubbing my eyes.

"Okay text me when you wake up" Vinnie said as I got comfortable in bed. "I will goodnight" I said laying my head down on the pillow. "Goodnight!" he said smiling at me before he hung up the phone.

~Next day~

I had just gotten home from work and I was in a good mood. On our lunch break when I went in the break room my coworkers had gotten me a cake and some of the nurses I work with got me cards.

I opened the door and walked in the house, I took my crocs off as I shut the door locking it. I hung my purse up and walked into the kitchen.

"Surprise!" I heard people yell as I jumped, I looked up and seen Gianna and Hope. They had decorations hung up and balloons.

"oh my god" I said as I set the cards and flowers on the table. "You guys snuck in?" I asked as they laughed "well you kinda told us where you keep you're spare" Hope said as I shook my head. "You guys are ridiculous" I said as I seen the presents on the table.

"We had to go all out" Gianna said as she sat down at the table. "Now open you're presents" Hope said pushing a bag towards me.

I sat down at the table and opened the bag, I reached my hand in it and pulled out a pregnancy test. "bitch" I said looking over at Hope "it's just a joke" she said putting her hands up in defense.

I set it down and reached in the bag again pulling out a keychain. It had an M on it and was made out of resin with flowers and gold. "We all have matching ones" Gianna said holding up her keys.

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