31 - Surprise/Instagram

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~Mayas POV~

It was the next morning and it was also the day that we were gonna go to the boys house for the surprise. I was in my room packing my bag while the girls were downstairs. I wanted to make sure everything was going to plan on Kios end so I decided to text him.


Did you tell him
I'm gonna kill you if you did

I didn't at least not yet

Don't it's only for a few hours

I think I'm gonna make him go shopping with me or something

We're gonna be there around 4 to help set up so make sure you leave before then

okay captain

~Vinnie's POV~

I was sitting downstairs in the living room on my phone. I didn't have any plans for today except I had to pick up Mayas birthday gift so I was just gonna chill at the house most of the day.

I was sitting there on tiktok when Kio walked in the room. "Hey what you doing?" he asked walking over to me. "nothing and you?" I asked as he sighed "nothing I was gonna go to the mall you wanna come with me?" he asked as I nodded my head.

"that actually works out because I have to get Mayas birthday gift" I said as he smiled "okay cool we can go around like 330" he said as I looked down at my phone seeing it was 1:08. "Okay I'll be ready by then" I said as he nodded his head.


It was later that day and we were at the mall, I had picked up Mayas gift so now we were just walking around.

"So what did you come here for anyway?" I asked looking over at him. "Uh...I don't know nothing specific" he said shrugging his shoulders. "so do you want to go in a store or leave?" I asked as he looked at his phone.

"Um let's go in Zumiez" he said as he looked up and seen the sign. "okay" I said as I followed him into store.

~Mayas POV~

We had just gotten to the boys house and Maddy and Jordan were there. We had all went upstairs to put our stuff away, Gianna was staying in their guest room, Hope was staying with Kio and I was staying with Vinnie.

I walked into Vinnie's room and noticed it was kinda dirty. I laughed as I threw my bag on his bed, I walked out the room and back down the stairs. "Josh and Nai are on the way" Maddy said as I walked into the kitchen.

Vinnie hadn't talked about Nai since the other night, I assumed he hadn't talked to her since then so I was surprised to hear she was coming. I wasn't necessarily mad but I was interested to see what was gonna happen.

"We got him a cake you wanna see?" Jordan asked as he opened the freezer. I nodded my head as I walked over to him, he pulled a cake out the freezer and it said happy birthday loser on it. I laughed as he put it back in the freezer.

"We got him a little one for tonight" he said as he closed the freezer. "He'll love it" I said walking over to the table and sitting down. "We should start decorating" Maddy said as she locked her phone.

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