8 - Day in/Instagram

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~Mayas POV~

I woke up the next morning and heard water running. I didn't feel Vinnie in the bed so I turned around to see he wasn't there. I seen the light on in the bathroom and assumed he was taking a shower. I sat up in the bed and picked my phone up seeing that Hope had texted me.


Good morning bitch! how was last night?

good morning!!!! and it was fun we went for a late night drive

aww that's so cute
when are you coming home?

I was gonna leave here around 5

Okay you want to hangout with me and Gianna later?

sure i'll lyk when I'm almost home

I locked my phone and heard the bathroom door open. I turned my head and seen Vinnie with basketball shorts on and a black t shirt and his hair was all wet.

"good morning" he said smiling at me. "morning" I said as I got out of the bed. "we're you just waiting for me?" he asked as I picked my bag up off the ground. "I literally just woke up" I said as I walked into the bathroom.

"what do you want to do today?" he asked as he sat on his bed facing me. "I don't know what's around here?" I asked as I starting putting my hair up in a ponytail. "well we can go downtown for the day or we can stay here" he said as I tightened my hair.

I was about to say something then there was a knock on the door. We both turned our heads as the door opened and Kio walked inside.

"Oh hey" he said smiling at me "hey" I said waving at him. He walked into the room and sat down on the bed next to Vinnie.

"what are you guys doing today?" Kio asked as I started putting on mascara. "that's what we're trying to figure out" Vinnie said.

"we should all go to lunch or something" Kio said as I put my makeup away. "I'm down" I said shrugging my shoulders, I looked at Vinnie and he was staring at Kio with dead eyes.

"okay you guys figure out where we're going I'm gonna change" I said closing the bathroom door. I changed into the other clothes I brought which was a white t shirt and black biker shorts.


"So I have a question" Kio said as I looked over at him. We ended up going to a taco place down town and we were sitting at a high top in the restaurant.

"which is?" I asked as he laughed a little "do you have any friends? you know like single ones" he said shrugging his shoulders. I laughed as I looked over at Vinnie "actually my friend Hope thinks you're cute" I said as he smiled at me.

"seriously? you should give me her instagram" Kio said as Vinnie shook his head. "don't do it Maya don't put Hope in that situation" Vinnie said as I laughed.

"what's that supposed to mean?" I said as I pulled out my phone. "right? what's the worst I'm gonna do?" Kio said as I typed in Hopes instagram.

"Just DM her and see how it goes" I said as I handed Kio my phone. "Thank you Maya" Kio said as he took my phone. "Tell Hope I tried to warn her" Vinnie said as I laughed.

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