Part 23

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Author's note: Just real quick I found Loki's epic theme music that plays for like a hour and thought it was fitting for the beginning of this whole mess with the TVA, Fleur and Ayca. ENJOY!!

------- FLEUR'S POV-------

"I'm scared." I admit through the door. I hear Ayca tell me she is too, then a quick fight, then nothing. I turn to face the TVA people, my head cocked and staring at them with red eyes. They don't know what's coming. I may be a variant, but I'm almost completely all magic... dark magic. These fuckers are in for it.

"Back the fuck away from me." I growl at them, my skin smoking and fingertips turning a smudgy black. My midnight hair glistens under the pitiful lighting, falling in front of my face a little. 

"Nice try." One of them says, hitting me across the face as I charge at them with glowing hands, ready to strike. All of a sudden everything is going slowly, but my brain feels like it rattles inside my head. It hurts like a bitch, and when I come to as my body hits the ground I find a collar around my neck with a little red light. 

"What the fuck?" I say, trying to become my full form with the wings and horns and all, but nothing happens. I try again, but something's wrong. Not again... "Where's my magic!?" I yell at them as they force me down the hall.

"You know, you swear a lot."

"Fuck off!"

I'm dragged into a small room with a little robot. It begins to try and take my jacket, but I swat it away. "Hey, Bucky gave me this!" I yell at it. It backs it's little robot hand away from me, then completely incinerates my clothes and puts me into an ugly kaki jumpsuit with orange embroidered letters that read the TVA Logo. "This is fugly, give me my jacket back!" I yell, but as soon as I go to punch the thing right in it's screen, the floor opens beneath me and I fall to another room where a man is sitting at a desk with a stack of paper in front of him. I look at him blankly without blinking, waiting for whatever nonsense he has to say to me.

"Please sign here to confirm this is everything you've ever said."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I spit out at him. Suddenly, a paper prints out of the machine beside him and he places it on the stack, along with an orange TVA pen. I walk up to it, reading my name and the words "are you fucking kidding me?".

I sigh aggressively, then reluctantly sign. Again, the floor opens and I drop down to a new room where a man with a clipboard is waiting for me. There's a metal archway that looks suspicious as fuck, and I am not walking through that thing.

"Please walk through." He says in a bored tone.

"No." I argue.

He sighs as if this isn't the first time someone has protested. "Please walk through." He repeats himself.


"It's to determine if you're a robot or not and in fact, human."

"I'm not a goddamn robot, pal. Can you just let me go?"

"You have to walk through."

"Fuck this."

"Just walk through!"

"No!" I yell, crossing my arms.

"Nothing will happen to you."

"How do you know? How do I know that? I'm a variant, won't that make something go off?"

"Everyone who walks through this archway is a variant. Nothing will happen, please just walk through."

"And if I don't?" I protest, keeping my arms folded tightly in front of my chest.

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