Part 3

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Author's note: Sorry for the delay on getting the next chapter out, I'm swapped at work! But no worries, I'll be working on them this weekend! Also... who's excited that Bucky's in the story now? ;)


"I kinda wanna meet her." Beth says, talking about my variant.

"That's not a bad idea, actually." I agree.

Tony and I are sitting at our dining table on me and Loki's floor with Beth. We are talking about who's going to talk to the variant soon, which should be tonight. We don't want her alone for too long.

"Yeah, I wanna meet your evil magical doppelgänger, Ayca."

"Darling, if I may interject..." Loki says, coming back to the table after getting me a glass of water, "I think it also might be of best interest if I see her as well."

"Loki, let me tell you something." I say, straightening up in my seat. He looks at me with all his attention. "The last thing this variant probably remembers is dying in your arms, then you leaving Asgard to come back to Earth. She may or may not know about me, and if she doesn't, she's going to think you asked her to marry you, then you literally left her. I think we should stick to blood relatives for now."

"She doesn't know David bit the dust. She doesn't even know Ramona's still boogieing. Maybe talk to her for advice since she's like, psychic?" Tony suggests.

"She's not psychic, she just..." I say, trailing off and loosing focus. She got visions of me, so I guess she is. Wow, this family is fucked up.

"Ok, look. Why don't I go in there and see where she's at, and I'll get back to y'all. Sound good?" 

"Sounds good to me. Loki? Dad? Think we should send in Beth first?" I ask, looking between the two of them.

They nod, then we all go down together to wait just outside the doors before Beth goes inside. I catch her arm before she enters, and give her a soulful look. "Hey, you've got this." I try and tell her, feeling super cheesy as it comes out.

"Yeah, I do. Don't worry, I'm always careful." She reassures me with a smile, then goes inside.

"Oh god, I'm so nervous." I say with a harsh exhale. Loki comes up from behind me and hugs me, resting his chin on the top of my head. 

"Has anyone contacted Fury?" Steve asks, walking into the room. 

"How about you do it?" Tony suggests.

"Already did."

"Wow, so you knew I wouldn't have?"

"Stark, you're alotta things, but you're not the guy to pick up the phone and call Fury."

"So when's he getting here?" Tony asks, covering one eye with a newspaper to mimic Fury.

"Right now." He says like clockwork, coming into the room with his floor length trench coat dripping on the floor.

"Did you... take a swim before you came here?" Tony asks annoyed, pointing at his wet floor.

"It's drizzling." Fury says with a deadpan tone. "Who's in there with the variant? I was informed that she was captured."

"Some robo dude snatched her up on his bike, that's all I saw." I said, talking about Bucky who I have yet to meet.

"Barnes." Fury says, taking his stride to the window.

"He's not one to linger after he gets his job done." Steve points out, just as the infamous Bucky comes into the room. He's in a zip-up black hoodie with his hair damp and to his shoulders. Under the hoodie is a worn out green shirt with a few buttons at the top. His boots thud against the floor, splashing the puddle Fury had made with his wet trench coat. 

"I don't?" He responds to his friend, then looks at me. "Hey, doll. You're much prettier." He says without smiling.

I stutter breathlessly, watching him walk to the doors of the room where my variant is being kept. Loki blocks my view, his face pinching. He shakes his head slightly while throwing his arms out to the side.

"What, I'm not allowed to look?" I say with a cheeky smile.

"No!" He says matter of factly.

"He's kinda cute..." I say just to mess with him, peaking around his tall, protective stance at Bucky.

"Uh, he's a murderer." Tony says quickly.

I pause to look at Tony, then at Loki who's moving with me so I can't see Bucky. I smirk while looking up at him, then mumble, "But he's kinda cute."

"That's enough." Loki says, putting his hands around my ribcage and literally picking me up and flinging me over his shoulder. 

As he carries me out of the room, I rest my elbow on his back and my chin in my hand, and stare at his butt as he walks. I sway with his stride, and before we leave the room completely I send everyone into fits of laughter by saying, "That's Asgard's ass."

-------Warning: sex/smut scene-------

He plops me down on the couch in our flat and pins me there. "You think you're funny, don't you?"

"I think I'm hilarious!" I say back to him.

"Aren't you arrogant." He says, getting closer to me by putting one knee up on the couch next to me.

"What are you going to do about it?" I tease him.

He kisses me hard suddenly, taking in a deep breath through his nose. His hands are quickly in my hair, pulling at the roots. He uses his grip to guide me down on the couch, laying me on my back. He moves on top of me, unbuttoning my jeans and sliding his hand down into them. I gasp at his sudden touch, which is aggressive and urgent. 

Having no time to get wet just makes it happen that much faster. My heart beat races as he pulls my hair back further, exposing my neck to his mouth. He bites, marking me.

He pounds his fingers into me, and I grip his bicep. It's flexed completely, and I'm powerless against him. I moan, relaxing my legs around him as I let him work his magic on my body, sending heat all throughout it. It's overwhelming, and I get close.

"Don't you dare." He warns me in a raspy voice in my ear. "Only when I say you can."

"Yes, my king." I say, knowing it will send him unraveling.

He moans with a smile, pleased that for once in my life I'm cooperating. He picks me up by my legs so I rest on his hips and carries me to the bedroom. He drops me down on the bed and uses a bit of magic to make both of our clothes disappear.

"Why have you never done that before?" I ask, seeing how easy it was for him.

"I never had to rush to prove something." He growls, thrusting into me.

I moan loudly, clenching my eyes shut at how good he feels while I'm still slightly tight. Soon with every thrust I whimper a little, softly as I clutch the sheets under me. He holds the bottom of my face with one hand while resting the other on the pillow beneath me, his face inches away from mine. 

"That's right darling, keep making those pretty noises for me."

I cry out, almost laughing a little, not expecting him to say that to me. 

"Come for me, darling." He instructs. Oh, he's good.

As soon as he gives me permission I come, but he doesn't stop. It fades for a moment, then comes back twice as pleasurable. My legs shake and I bite my lip, trying not to scream out again.

"Say my name." He demands, his moans growing eager the closer her gets.

"Loki... Loki please!" I beg him to keep going. He does, making my orgasm linger. I get dizzy and scratch his back. This makes him growl again, and I feel him letting go inside of me. We make eye contact with each other, completely out of breath. He pulls out and loosens the grip he has on my face. He hold himself up over me and I let my legs collapse to the side.

"What were you trying to prove exactly?" I ask him, panting.

"You're mine." He responds.

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