Part 2

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The Avengers split up around the city, searching it for my variant. We have no idea what we're looking for, but to make sure no one gets confused, Loki is staying with me. Dad is flying around in his suit, Natasha has gone under cover, Steve is trying to talk to people, asking if they've seen me. Thor travels to Asgard to search there, incase the variant has escaped. Banner stays in the lab, seeing if he can track her down that way.

"Loki?" I ask nervously.

"Yes?" He responds, holding my hand. 

"What do you think is going to happen when we find her?"

"I'm not sure. I don't really understand how much of you is missing. Do you feel any different?"

"Well," I begin, furrowing my brow, "When you brought me back, of course I felt different. I felt like the humanity had been stripped from me, but more so in a way where I didn't give as much of a shit."

"So you think that this variant of yours is your humanity?" He clarifies.

"Not exactly... I feel like it's the weaker side of me. The part that was scared of it's own potential."

"Well, then let's hope she's friendly." He kids, making me roll my eyes and press my tongue into my cheek. 

We continue walking around the area we saw in the footage when we hear commotion from around the corner. We glance at each other, both having the same expression. We dart around the corner to find a young woman having a breakdown. 

She's muttering some sort of spell, and sparks are coming out of her hands. People watch as she panics, becoming more and more aware of her surroundings. I lose sight of her through the crowd, but I recognize her. It's her... me.

I talk into my intercom ear piece to Tony. "Dad, you seeing this?" I yell over the commotion of the crowd.

"I'm on it." He says, landing down onto the sidewalk. "Hey, kiddo." He says to the variant. He laughs nervously, not really knowing what to expect. She suddenly picks up and starts running, and Tony chases after her. 

"Shit!" He says, following her through the streets. "Go back to the tower, kid. If she sees you, she's gonna freak!" 

"Ayca, come!" Loki says, grabbing my wrist and pulling me further away from the crowd. We turn the corner and he zaps us to the tower in a flash of green. 

"Loki, this is bad..." I begin as he backs me away from the windows.

"I know, darling. I know."

"She can't even use her magic! How did she even survive that blast I created from the war? Why did she run from Tony, does she know he's my... our father?"

"Ayca, you need to calm down." He says sternly, holding me against the wall with his hand over my mouth. I whine and struggle to get free of his grasp, but it's pointless. I relax my body, scowling at him. He uncovers my mouth, then pulls my into a hug.

"I'm losing my mind." I say quietly.

'No, you're not. She's just a variant."

"But she's still me." I say, nuzzling my face into his chest. He holds me while I hear a crash just outside the tower down the street. 'What was that?" I say, my interest peaked. 

"Ayca, no!"

"Ayca yes!" I say, running onto the balcony to see what's going on. Tony has her cornered, but she's fighting back. Steve and Natasha try to surrender, holding out their hands to show that they come in peace. Why doesn't she trust anyone?

Suddenly, a loud motorcycle sounds from a few streets over. Some guy with dirty long hair and... a metal arm? swings by and effortlessly sweeps the variant onto the seat in front of him, then rides away.

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