Part 21

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"Fleur!" I call out, but she's being dragger away from me. Tears flood my eyes as I watch her struggle without magic. Two more guards have to come to restrain her, so I whip a pair of daggers out of my hands swiftly, looking at them with my head tilted down and my gaze through my eyebrows. I fight off the people trying to hold me back, kicking one while stabbing the other. I run over to Fleur, but she's out of sight as soon as my feet touch her last placement on the floor.

I pound on the door she's behind, letting my daggers drop out of my hands. They disappear before the hit the ground. "Son of a bitch!" I scream, then rest my forehead next to my open palm on the door. I sigh deeply, then hear the faintest voice through the wood.


"I'm here." I confirm.

"I'm scared." Her voice cracks. 

"I... I am too." I say, my voice mimicking hers. I failed. I couldn't protect her, I couldn't mend my broken trust and love with myself. It's been taken from me. My heart sinks, knowing I may never get the chance to feel whole again.

Nothing can fill this void. It's been ripped from me and now held captive in god knows where. I was so close, I was doing it and I was getting there on my own. I could have done it. I guess I'm just destined to fail.

I turn to face the TVA people, hanging my head low and cocked to the side. I let my blood boil and my eyes turn red, still staring them down through my eyebrows. "Don't think for one moment that you can capture me, you second rate-"

I'm cut off mid-sentence and mid-attack by them using their little golden phone thing to create another golden door like before, letting me fall right through it. I tumble hard onto the ground, flipping my hair out of my face. I'm spending too much time with Loki, I'm picking up his dramatic mannerisms. I stand, looking around at where I am. I spin in a full 360, unable to breathe. I'm... on Asgard?

"Loki?" I call out, starting to run through the city. I look up at everything flying above me, the birds all going in different directions. Asgardians greet me as I rush through towards the palace, calling me 'Lady Ayca'. At least they know who I am. But why am I on Asgard?

I make it to the palace, and find Sif. Thank god! "Sif! It's so good to see you!" I say, trying to act normal. She embraces me, telling me that Loki is waiting for me in the throne room. Odd, but I follow her lead and run to the throne room. As I suspected, he's sitting arrogantly on the throne, legs spread comfortably in his position of power. I better not be when I think I am. "Loki..." I say, relieved, running one last time to him.

"Darling!" He says, standing and extending his arms to me to pull me in tightly. Ok, so he's not mad at me. At least it's not in the time period right after the battle with Thanos. When am I? "Darling, where have you been?"

"How long was I gone for?" I ask looking up at his face, which is beautifully framed by his golden horned helmet. Oh, that helmet.

"Almost two days. I came here to look for you. I told you it was dangerous to go out on your own, even with that robot friend of yours."


"Who else would be a robot? Do most people not know they're robots?" He teases me. I'm... in the present?

"Loki, we need to talk. Can you come with me someplace more private?" I say, tugging on his arm. It's been a while since I've seen him in his classic Asgardian attire, and I forgot how thick the leather is. My hand barely wraps around his wrist.

"Of course... darling there's no need to rush, are you alright?"

"Why are you so calm? I was missing almost two days, why aren't you freaking out right now?" I say angerly, pulling him down the hallway and towards our bedroom within the palace.

Sinbound: VariantsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz