thirty-seven; anchors

Start from the beginning

Scott rolled his eyes, "You sound like Peter," He mumbled. Suddenly, he is thrown out of his room, landing next to Isaac.

"What was that!?" Melissa yelled.

Kennedy walked over, poking her head out of Scott's door. "That was me kicking Scott's ass!" She cheered.

"That's my girl!"


The next day, Kennedy sat next to Scott in Economics. "So I'm thinking if I do all college classes over summer break and senior year, I might actually be able to graduate college early." She explained, holding her pink pen.

Scott shakes his head, "But why would you want to put yourself through that? Don't you want a break?" He asked honestly. Stiles barely said a word as he walked by them, sitting behind Kennedy. She brushed it off, assuming he was tired.

"I want a break from werewolves. Oh wait! I cant! I am one." She said pointedly. Scott sticks his tongue out at her, and she flicks him off. The two teens share a chuckle as they turn back to Coach Finstock. Kennedy became dizzy, but she didn't know why. She closed her eyes tightly, leaning her head on the desk.

It was a car.

It was old and rusted, probably sitting there for years. It was upside down, Kennedy noticed. A flashlight moves around the vehicle. "Look at that." Stiles's voice catches her attention. "See those?" The flashlight moves to claw marks all over the side of the car. Kennedy studies the shape of it all. "Animal claws would be closer together, right? A lot closer."

"Then it was a werewolf." Scott's voice whispers.

"So, my dad was right." The human mumbles.

Kennedy sits straight up, gasping as she looks around. Her brown eyes dilated as if they were adjusting to the class room from the darkness of wherever she was. Kennedy looks over at Scott, who sent her a confused look. "What was it?" Scott asked.

She leaned over, "I had a vision."

"What? Of what!?" He inquired. Scott had never experienced her experiencing a vision. In fact, he wasn't sure anyone had.

"Stilinski, are you paying attention back there?" The two of them looked at Coach, who had just scolded Stiles. Kennedy turned around, seeing Stiles completely lost in his notebook. "Stilinski!" Scott worriedly looks at his friend, not sure what's wrong. Coach Finstock scoffs under his breath, before blowing into his whistle. "Stilinski!"

Stiles shoots up in his seat, as if snapping out of whatever trance he was in. "Uh-huh?" Kennedy looked at her boyfriend worriedly.

"I asked you a question."

Stiles shifted in his seat, "Uh Sorry, Coach. What was it?" He asked politely.

"It was Stilinski, are you paying attention back there?" Says Coach. Kennedy bit her lip, eyeing Scott.

"Oh." Mumbles Stiles. "Well, I am now."

Coach sighs, "Stilinski, stop reminding me why I drink...every night. Does anybody else want to try the question on the board?"

Stiles turns his head to see Scott staring at him. "I'm okay. I just fell asleep for a second." He told him, looking at Kennedy. Scott's brows knit together as he looks at his best friend.

STARTING LINE , teen wolfWhere stories live. Discover now