Shopping With Calum

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Vikki's POV:

(that same day: morning)

Last night Calum ended up staying the night when Taylor stayed the night at Toby's and we just ate dinner and talked, it was so fun me and him have a lot common.

we told each other embarrassing story's that happened to us and we drank a couple of beers nothing special really happened I just fell asleep on the couch and him on the floor.

Morning came around and I rummaged through my fridge trying to find something to make for us.

But not successful and groan quietly not wanting to wake Calum from his peaceful slumber, as i walk to my room I pull on some random socks in my drawer and rush down the stairs I grab my keys off the table in front of the door.

As I pull on my combat boot hands grab my shoulders. Ears press to the shell of my ear stalling my movements

"where you going.." His voice was slightly raspy a sign that he just woke up and I turn around our chests rub against each other and I subconsciously back up "getting food for breakfast I was going to uh let you sleep you looked so peaceful"

I blush as I now just realized i said something creepy.

"i wasn't watching you though i just-" he puts his index finger and his thumb to my lips and squeezes then both together top to bottom. He smirks "let me come with you yeah, i can tell you what to get and what no to get" i roll my eyes and playfully rub my temples.

"if you have too" i sigh sarcastically. He beams and grabs his black shoes and slips them on lazily and smiles at me through his lashes and finally stands again.

[several minutes later]

After many stops because Calum either saw something cool or he was walking like a turtle we arrive at the super market.

I walk into the air conditioned food store and exhale happily since it was actually really hot outside and it was soo refreshing in here. I walk down an isle and turn to Calum but to not fins him were I last saw him.

I hunch over "great...where do I find a grown man in a huge store I never been to before..." I rub my chin acting like its a beard and all of a sudden a shopping cart hits my butt.

I spin to see a overly cocky Calum wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"what?" I say slightly confused. "your butt jiggles!" He says like a four year old on crack. I grimace at him and just shack my head "what am I going to do with you.." I grumble under my breathe.

I look into the cart and see pop tarts, ice cream, Doritos, sour patch kids, two packs of gum and a soccor ball. I zoom my eyes on the pack of condoms "put that back im not buying that!" My eyes were wide.

"I know this is what im going to get...should I get a vibrater" he snorts at his own comment "yea cause you have a vagina!" I storm off laughing

I hear a cart speeding after me and I wack into some very tall and I fall on my ass.

"what the fuck- Calum yo man whats up!" I was very angry at this man who doesn't even give me any help what so ever. The boys both fist bump

"Vikki this is my old mate from high school" his friend glances at me on my butt.

"why are you on the ground love?" I grind my teeth together "nothing I fell.." I stand up and walk away from the two guys who didnt even look at me once this whole time and the funny thing is that Calum made me buy his stuff EVEN the bloody condoms like what the hell!

I take all the bags in my arms which was two on each arm which was pretty heavy considering my size an all. I start to walk again and finally that guy left, Calum walks over and tries taking a bag but I snatch it back "these are all mine jerk, thanks for finally helping out!"

Calum makes a tsk sound "come on I never seen that guy in let me make our breakfast and ill hold the bags" he arches his brows when I literally fling the heavy stuff in his arms.

"be careful there is eggs in there" I think I was going to get my period soon too, my moods have been shit. Calum struggles all the way back to my condo but doesn't complain once which I was very surprised by. I unlock my door and stomp my feet on the rug getting all the dirt off.

Calum not caring about neatness walks through my home with his extra dirty shoes. I huff and blow my hair out of my face "thanks alot jackass" I hear a low chuckle from the kitchen.

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