"Where from?". Y/n ask while she gestured him to seat down at the stacked papers then she sat down at her chair.

"Here actually,just home schooling then my dad decided for me to school in public." Aidan said while honestly looking at her eyes.

"That's sucks.". Y/n said while she giggled at Aidan.

"Yeah it is.". Aidan said while he giggled too with the girl.

"Anyways i should give you a tour around the campus,if its cool?". She ask Aidan with a smile.

"Yeah sure it's fine,i would love that." Aidan said while he stood up and offered his hand at y/n to stand up,and she took it.

"Lead the way.". Aidan said while gesturing at y/n to leave the room and all she did was to giggle..

Y/n showed Aidan the school campus like where is the cafeteria,the restrooms,where are the subject rooms,and many more.
They laughed while they are walking around the campus,they talk some other things like about family and his life and other shits to talk about.


After a while of walking around the campus it was finally time to go home. They head back to the office to get their stuffs and they walked to the gate where y/n's bike was parked.

"Anyway this was fun,guess i see you tomorrow?". Y/n said while she's unlocking the lock of her bike.

"Yeah it was a blast meeting you y/n, Mr. Clark was right,you're really friendly." Aidan said while waiting for her with his sling bag.

"Aww that's sweet,any way does some body will pick you up or...?". She ask Aidan with a caring tone on her voice.

"Oh i will wait,some body from the house will pick me up.". Aidan said in a reassuring look to the girl.

"Oh,well ok goodbye Aidan see you tomorrow.". She said while sat on her bike and pedalled away from Aidan.

Aidan saw her pedalled away with her cute pink bike from him while he just honestly lied to her that somebody will pick him up cause he has a super power it's called spatial jumping,he jump through different places that are close and mostly he can time travel,these powers will be handy when something bad happens at the school,Aidan thought to himself while the spatial jumped to his house.

-A Month later-

It has been an amazing month for Aidan and y/n they started pretty well,for the whole month they sometimes sneak at those lovers that have been shipped by almost the whole school,and yes some other time they sneak at those teachers that are googling eyes with each other confirming that they are in love or so.

But there are times that there are school fights and school chaos happening and yes their story is always at the front page. And they are proud of that.

-At the cafeteria-

"Oh my gosh,they both did that?". Y/n ask about what Aidan just saw at the boys restroom while she was just hysterically laughing.

"Yeah they did." Aidan said through the laugh while wiping some tears that are dropping from his eyes cause of the "rumors".

"They are so dirty." Y/n said with a disgusted look on her face while she laughs.

"I know right." Aidan said while he took a swig of his coffee.

"We're going to include that to our story tommorow Aidy.". Y/n said while she took a sip of her iced tea and grabbed a pen and a note pad.

"Yeah we should.". Aidan said while he looked at y/n.

"Hey it's late we should go.". Y/n said while she take some notes about the story and grabbed her satchel and her camera.

🌀☕Five Hargreeves/Aidan Gallagher/Nicky Harper Imagines☕🌀Where stories live. Discover now