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"I can't believe she had to start eating raw rabbits. That must've been the hardest thing ever."

Nick comments after realising that the survivor was actually the clone in the movie 'us'.

"And the most disgusting thing ever". He gags and I laugh at the way he grimaces at the tv.

Nick and I basically spent the whole day sitting on this couch, watching a ton of different movies. After Claire left, I asked him why he had not gone to work and he responded with: "Leaving you home alone was not an option." And told me that he'd be working from home from now on. I was terrified at first, but after all those hours, I realised that he wasn't a threat. He is actually really fun to be around.

"Honestly, my favourite part was the father's reaction when he saw what was going on." I laugh, unable to remember the man's name.

"Oh, that was the best, the poor man was petrified." Nick chuckles, handing me the remote. He gets up from his seat on the couch. "I'd love to watch some more, but I have a meeting to attend in the next-" He takes a look at his wrist watch. "-seven minutes and 19 seconds, I need to prepare for it." He walks up the stairs. "I'll be back in a couple hours! Don't let the clones get to you!" He yells over his shoulder, saying the last line in a playful manner.

"I won't!" I shout back then listen to his laugh as it fades into the sound of his office door closing.

I look up at the digital clock beneath the TV, 14:57, that means the twins will only be arriving within the next hour or so; so I decide to watch another movie while I wait.

Unfortunately, I fail to get through the first twenty minutes because of how tired I am. I find myself dozing off multiple times before deciding to stretch my tired body across the couch. I close my eyes and let myself wander into a world of darkness. Every muscle in my body relaxes, my mind included, and sleep washes over me.

~ • ~ • ~

"I don't think it's safe to do so now."

James sighs, running his hand through his damp hair. It looks like he just got home.

"No, all I'm saying is that a lot has happened, and what you're planning on doing isn't going to help... but what if you make things worse?" He sighs in a defeated manner. "Fine, do what you believe is right, but don't say I didn't warn you."

He turns around when I yawn, notifing him that I'm awake. I get up from the couch after he gestures for me to give him a minute to wrap up his conversation with the person on the other end of the line. While I wait for him, I ascend the wooden stairs, not missing the harsh whisper of his voice as I get to the top. I wonder who he is talking to, what they are planning and why it isn't safe. It seems a bit serious, and with the way he is speaking, he doesn't want me to know, so I won't ask him.

Not yet at least.

My feet walk all the way to the all white bathroom, where I re-brush my teeth and grab my medication. With the two tablets secured within the palm of my right hand, I walk down the stairs into the kitchen, where I gulp down the bitter pills. I was really hoping I wouldn't need them, something about pills always triggers me and having to take them to help with the pain is the worst thing. I hate the taste it leaves in the back of my throat more than anything.

I grab another bottle of water and a bowl of berries to wash away the taste in my mouth, before heading back to the living room to join James again.

James rushes through the ending conversation as I walk in, then moves his phone from his ear. I watch him switch it off and shove it into his back pocket.
"Who was that?" I question. Curiosity got the best of me.
"Nobody important." Why isn't he telling me? He usually tells me everything. I let him pick a few berries from my bowl then watch him flick them into his mouth.
"Are you going anywhere right now?" I ask.
"Nah, not today." He falls onto the couch I had previously fallen asleep on, occupying every seat. "Why, do you need me to help you with anything?"
"Actually, yes." I sit on the couch adjacent to his, crossing my fingers as I sit, hoping he agrees.

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