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My father looks at me with a disgust that makes my own stomach turn.

"Explain to me why my 17 year old daughter is taking pregnancy tests!"

"Dad, I-" I try to explain, but he slaps me across the face, instantly shutting me up.

He throws the test at me and I step to the side, letting it land and slide across the floor next to me.

"I raised you better than this." His hand collides with my face harder than before. It actually causes me to stumble backwards this time.

"I did not raise you to be a wh*re!"

"I-" Tears stain my cheeks when I finally digest his words.

A wh*re?

"I didn't want to, they-"

His eyes widen for a second and his fingers form fists at his sides. "They?"

I step back and nod. "They forced themselves on to me." I blurt out and he stills.

He looks at me for a second, making me believe that for the first time, he actually understands. He leans in. Perhaps to give me a hug?

"I don't believe you." He whispers instead. "A man will never touch a female unless he has been provoked to do so."

My heart sinks when he turns away from me.

"You walk around dressed like a sl*t. What did you expect? You brought it upon yourself." He says, walking up the stairs.

I raise my hand to my cheek and sigh. I had only worn that dress because I thought it would be nice to switch things up a bit. Thinking back to the day, maybe it actually was my fault. If I had just worn something else maybe that wouldn't have happened?

But even if it is my fault, shouldn't he be concerned? As a father, is he not supposed to care about my well-being?

I should probably retreat to my room, like I normally would. I should be grateful that he chose to walk away rather than give me a huge whooping, but something called anger pushes me to do something I've never done before.

Follow him.

I rush out in the direction of the staircase and race up the stairs.

"Dad." I get to the top and grab his arm. "I just-" I press my nails deep into my palms to suppress the arising fear. "I tell you something I haven't told anyone. I-i tell you that I was assulted... raped and this is how you react. Do you... do you not love your daughter enough to care?"

He tilts his head and looks me straight in the eyes. This makes me realise how close I am to him. My grip around his forearm loosens and I step down a step.

"Never ever ask me that again, do you hear me?"



I flinch. "I-Is it because mum died because of me?"

"Isabelle, I'm not going to tell you again." He warns.

"Tell me that you think it's my fault too! That I was selfish for leaving her there. I should've tried to get her out too. Anything is better than thi-"

He pulls his arm from my not-so-firm grip and I notice something in his eyes, something I've never seen before and it scares me.


He raises his arm and pushes me, causing me to lose my balance and my feet to slip. I start tumbling down the stairscase, hurting my body in multiple ways. The back of my head bashes into the tiled floor and that's when the pounding begins. Blood gushes from my nose and the pain in my body is beyond unbearable. My arm wraps around my chest as I cry out in pain. Everything fades in and out of darkness as I try to get myself onto my hands and knees.

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