16: Break Out

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The cell door squeaked open just enough for Yeonjun to slip through, stepping over recently torn files mostly filled with lies about him. The two unexpected partners had to work fast before their chances of getting caught increased even more.

After the quiet explanation, Yeonjun realized that Beomgyu didn't entirely think this far into his plan. He knew that it was mostly up to him to get them out of this area without being caught. They crouched underneath the doors window, knowing that once it opened there was no turning back.

"Where's my stuff at?" Yeonjun whispered, stretching out his wrists and ankles.

"One hallway over where they keep the convicts things. It might just be sitting on the table in the hallway cause they likely haven't gone through it. And before you say anything, yeah I know it's a ridiculous system." Beomgyu quickly explained, peeking up to look through the window before crouching again. "Now's our chance."

Yeonjun eyed Beomgyu, nodding his head as the younger boy reached his hand up to the doorknob. The door buzzing as it opened. It was now or never.

Beomgyu stood up and hastily exited the room, Yeonjun quickly following behind and shutting the door quietly. The younger grabbed a backpack that was sitting besides the door, slinging it over his shoulders. Yeonjun kept his head lowered and slightly hunched over, trying to conceal himself as best as he could in the open hallways.

The tow made thier way through the hallways, Beomgyu walking fast until stopping at a corner where he peeked around into the next hallway. With his hand he motioned for Yeonjun to continue following him. To the youngers surprise, no one was roaming the halls.

Yeonjun hardly paid attention to the interior design of the place, all he knew was that it looked way too nice and clean for his idea of a police station. Again though, it's not like he cared. They approached a long table with many different things in bins from bags to makeshift weapons. Yeonjun instantly found his backpack, quickly unzipping it to check its contents.

Not even a minute passed before Yeonjun was sure nothing was taken. Zipping the bag back up he threw it over his shoulders, loosening the straps so he could easily slip it off if completely necessary. He turned and made eye contact with Beomgyu who looked more nervous now than before. Yeonjun's eyes turned to the camera's lining the hallway, knowing that by now there had to be someone on the other side watching them.

"Come on, we need to just get out of here." Yeonjun muttered, reaching to grab Beomgyu's wrist.

He tugged on Beomgyu's arm, disliking how it felt in his grip.

"Beomgyu! What the fuck are you doing?" A familiar angry voice boomed from the area the boys just came from.

Yeonjun didn't give either of them time to respond, running in the opposite direction with Beomgyu in tow. The boy stumped over himself but regained his composure and took off alongside Yeonjun.

"Both of you get your asses back here this instant!" The officer continued, the sound of heavy footsteps soon following.

Sirens began going off, blaring into the hallways at ear piercing volumes. Yeonjun winced, leaning his head against his shoulder to at least protect one ear from the noise. Beomgyu held his free hand against his ear as well to try and block out some of the sound. There wasn't a second to complain about the noise though, no matter how deafening it is.

It wasn't long before more cops were onto them, blocking hallways or chasing behind them. Luckily they made it to a back door untouched. Yeonjun struggled with the knob only for a few seconds before Beomgyu reached around and pressed a card against some sort of scanner, the door unlocking instantly.

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