Me: Mana Zone:

I quickly move my hand to the left and suddenly all the enemies in front of me got pull to the left.

Enemy: What the-?!

Me: Mana Pull.

Five people launch attacks at me.

Me: Infinity.

Their attacks stop moving before it can touch me. All of the enemies' eyes went wide.

Me: I still have more Mana Zone tricks up on my sleeves, you know.

I touch the attack magic one by one and all of it gone after I touch them.

Me: Not just that. I also can disable your magic. So your best choice is to withdraw and let me win this stupid game.

Enemy2: No way! The bounty on your head is really high!

Me: So all you guys want is money, huh?

I take off my blindfold and look at my enemies with sadistic smile.

Me: Then I'll just kill you guys to free you from your greed. Well, you guys are weak after all so it won't be hard.

Suddenly I hear a voice in my head.

"If you want to beat them, let your new power to help you. Cast this spell; Control Magic: Freeze. Your enemies will freeze in their place."

Me*thought*: What the?

I smile again as I cast a spell.

Me: Control Magic: Freeze.

My Office
Julius POV

I look out at the window behind me.

Me: (Y/N), the son of Black Bulls first vice-captain. I never get chance to meet him. From his mission report and what Yami told me, (Y/N) is really strong. I hope he survive the game.

Suddenly I hear someone slam the office door open. I turn around and see Marx who is sweating badly.

Me: What is it this time?

Marx: (Y-(Y/N)! He has...

My eyes went wide a little in surprise after hearing what he said.

Marx: He has won the game!


Me: I won the game. Now time to claim my reward.

I said to the king. He have face full of fear.

King: I-Impossible! There is no way you can beat all of the Magic Knights that I sent!

Me: They are weak. Of course beating their ass is easy. At least I didn't kill them.

Nozel and Fuegoleon who also there just watch from behind.

King: Y-You two! Get rid of this traitor!

Fuegoleon: Unfortunately, we can't do that, Your Majesty.

Nozel: You're the one that start the game, we don't have right to stop (Y/N) from claiming his reward.

Fuegoleon: We royalties, have dignity that need to be protect.

Nozel: And we won't throw dirt to our family's name by helping someone that can't keep their promise.

King: Y-You two will-

Me: Oi.

He look at me as I give him death stare.

Me: You want to punish them? Over my dead body, bastard. Now before I kill you, better you grant my wish.

King: F-Fine! How much money do you want?!

Me: Money? I don't give crap about that shit.

King: Huh?

Me: Your plan to remove foreigner except for the foreigner who are Magic Knight from this kingdom. Cancel it.

King: B-But-

Me: You can offer me money, so don't tell me you can't grant this easy wish. Or do you want me to put my sword on your neck first to give you encouragement to grant my wish?

King: I-I'll do it!

Me: Good.

I turn around and start to walk to the door.

Nozel: Hey, we want to ask you something.

Me: What?

Fuegoleon: Why you don't want money?

Me: Why? Because money is the reason that make us fragmented. People with lot of money abandon the poor one. That's why I don't want money. I don't want be the people that abandon the poor.

Fuegoleon: I see... Well, looks like you win again.

Me:*smile* It's not me who win today. The victory belong to the people that I just saved.

Final Result: Foreigners win.

To be continued...

Black Bulls Hope (Black Clover X Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now