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"Why now?"

Mason asks Lili as he folds his arms and gives the young attorney a hard glare.

"Why now that you decided to come back, put a claim on Lisa and frickin turned my daughter in law into dust before we even could see her? Not to mention, even her wife missed to see her at her last moment!"

"I understand where the anger is coming from" Lili replies professionally, the way Lisa always did. But instead of a cheeky smile at the end of the sentence, all he could register is just a deep frown.

"Lisa and I were twins. She was my elder sister and soon after our parents divorced, my dad took me away to New York and remarried while my mom, she took Lisa to stay with her in Seoul"

The attorney says, clasping her hands together.

"And just like that, we lost each other"

"You lost. That's it" Jisoo frowns. "Why are you even here now? And the worst thing about your sudden appearance is that you have taken Lisa away from us"

"I might be lost" Lili snaps. "But Lisa was still my family and it took just a call for me to get here. And to add that, 14 bullets did something terrible for her to watch by anyone, so dad and I opted for cremation soon as the hospital said she was clear to go"

"And you didn't bother to ask us?" Clare snaps back. "Her family? No, scratch that. What about her wife?" she points at the door that leads to Chaeyoung's room. "Do you?"

"People die everyday" Lili says as cold as possible, sending anger to every nerve of Jisoo and the rest who sits there.

"And my sister was the unfortunate soul to be called home, shame with 14 bullets penetrated through her fucking body"

"Don't" Jennie grits her teeth. "You fucking say that"

"Or what will you do?" Lili smirks. "Anyway" she turns around as her hand travels into her bag and when she retrieves it back, a file is seen in her hand.

"I need Chaeyoung or whatever her name is, to sign up this document so that we can proceed with the will and see what her wife has managed to get out of this mess"

"Are you out of your mind?"

Mason stands up in anger. "My daughter just lost her wife and she's still fainted and you want me to hand this to her and ask for her signature so that she can look into her wife's will and sees what she has left her behind with?"

"With all due respect" Lili narrows her eyes. "I'm a lawyer and I frickin know what I'm talking about. I'll send a person to pick the document later, sharp at 8 tonight. Hope it'll give the blonde some time to recover from this grief"

Lili says as she stands up, grabbing her messenger bag and disappears away from the home that used to be Chaeyoung and Lisa's.

"I swear there's something wrong with her head" Mason grumbles as she throws a punch in the air. Her wife stands up to calm him down. "I know you're mad, Mason. But let's be calm. We all have to be that for Chaeyoung at least"

"Yeah" the man groans, eyeing a crying Jisoo that's being comforted by Jennie.

"We have to, I think"


"Baby, guess what?"

Roseanne asks lazily as she rolls her eyes and turns on her tummy on the big and comfy bed. In front of her, on the screen of her expensive Caviar designed iPhone 12 max pro is the face of her attorney of a wife, Lili Manoban that she has been married to since 3 years ago.

The brunette lawyer hums to Roseanne's question, her eyes are fixed on sets of documents that she found on her sister's working desk when she stopped by her firm from Chaeyoung's house.

"I need an attention!" the pink haired architect whines desperately. "Give me so attention you uptight bitch of a lawyer"

That makes Lili smiles a little. Her wife knows just what to say to draw her fucking attention.

"What do you want, bubs?"

"You" Roseanne winks. "I need you right now because I'm fucking soak right now"

"What's wrong? Were you from watching porn?"

"Freak, I can just watch your picture in your sleek, slim fit suit and be so fucking horny already"

Lili throws her head back as she laughs. Her wife sure is a secret comedian.

"I miss you too" she swallows. "How's New York?"

"Without you?" Roseanne bites her lower lip sensually, just to tease Lili and her plan works when she sees the attorneys eyes turn all black in lust.

"Cold, of course"

"Don't talk about that. I'm the one who should take a long, cold shower after this"

"Oh" she flashes a toothy smile. "Already too hard for me, huh Manoban? Not bad, not bad"

"I hate you" Lili concludes, running her eyes on the document again before her wife yells for her attention again.

"Lili, put the the fucking paper down and eyefucking me over here!"

"Bubs, you can't say that aloud" Lili panics as she looks around.

"Why?" Roseanne asks in her infamous accusatory tone. "Are you having someone with you in hotel? Are you fucking someone? Baby, answer me!"

"What are you talking about?" Lili switches her eyes to the opened balcony in front of her. The door was closed just now. How can it be opened now?.

"Lili, I swear if you're fucking someone else, I would ..."

"Bubs, calm down. I'd never do that to you. I know I won't love long enough to see the daylight again if you caught me doing that"

"Good" Roseanne rolls her eyes proudly. "At least you know me, huh"

"We have been together since what? 10 years old?" Lili points out and Roseanne nods. "Crazy that I feel for someone so uptight like you but they say love is blind. I guess it really is"

"Hey! What do you mean?"

"Nothing" Roseanne laughs. "I miss you so much, baby. Are you coming home soon?"

"Not sure, bubs. I'll try"

"You haven't told me why you are there yet"

"Bubs, it's confidential" Lili says. "I'll tell you later"

"Ugh, I hate it the most when you hide something from me" Roseanne puffs her cheeks. "But anyway, can you stay on the line while I fall asleep? I miss you a lot today"

Lili grins as she nods. "Of course, baby. Go to sleep. I'll be here watching you"


stay alive, readers 😆

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