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"No, Sana. You have to face it. I'm already someone else's" Lisa says grumpily as she tries to walk past that Korean girl but Sana tugs her arm around Lisa's waist, her face is smashed against the Thai's back, causing Lisa to violently pushes her away.

"What are you thinking you are doing?" she hisses furiously as Sana gives her a stern stare back. "I don't know if you are stupid or what but I want you back. Now, Lisa"

"And what makes you fucking think that I'd go back to you? Keep dreaming, Sana. You won't have me again. Never"

"Is it because of her?"

The girl asks, folding her arms perfectly when Lisa tilts her head to stare. Her chest raising up and down repeatedly as her palm turns into a fist. Nobody, nobody can ever talk about her girlfriend. Not her friends, not even her ex - girlfriend or Lisa swears she's gonna go crazy.

"Don't" Lisa inhales the air fully. "Even go there, Sana"

"Don't waste your time with a girl who isn't your standard, honey" Sana adds as she runs her hand on Lisa's muscular arm. "We all know how much you love me, how much you want me back" she laughs dangerously low, her lips hung inches away from Lisa's.

"You are right about the standards, Sana. I wouldn't want to be seen with a girl who's isn't on my level"

"I know" Sana nods as she runs her finger to Lisa's necktie. "Now, break up things with her and we'll be happy again"

Lisa's breath hitched in her throat as Sana nuzzles her lips against the crook of Lisa's neck, her hot breath is tickling Lisa's skin.

"Sana, you know you can't get me again. Even if you are doing this"

"But I can't live without you, Lisa. I know I made a huge mistake in leaving you. But I'm back now"

She begs, holding Lisa's hand tightly but the Thai shakes her head a no, her eyes are rigid.

"Baby, come on! We are late for our lunch date .... "

Chaeyoung pauses abruptly as she sees her girlfriend   with the girl she hates the most on the planet.

"Jagiya" Lisa calls out calmly as her eyes find Chaeyoung's. "It's not what you think, jagi"

"What the fuck bitch?" the medical student asks as she pulls Sana away from Lisa with a furious face. "What the fuck were you thinking?"

"Shut up, Park" Sana hisses as she checks on her worst that has been pulled by Chaeyoung a minute ago. The skin around it is red, perhaps from the brutal grip. But Sana ignores the pain as she locks her eyes with a fuming Chaeyoung.

"She doesn't like you. No, she doesn't even love you. Are you blind or are you fucking afraid to see the truth?"

"Are you seriously going to lecture me on that?" Chaeyoung laughs. "On love? When you're the one who keeps messing up?"

"Shut the fuck up, Park" Sana yells. "Or I'm gonna make sure you'll regret it"

"No" Lisa groans as she eyes her ex dangerously. "You're the one who should be careful, Sana. Who do you think you are? Coming here and begging for me to take you in when I'm already someone else's?"

"Lisa, we were together for two years"

"And it's ended" Chaeyoung says unapologetically. Her hand finds Lisa before she flexes them in front of an angry Sana. "Lisa and I are together now so I hope you can get that fact into your fucking small brain"

"Lisa, please"

"Baby, let's go" Chaeyoung says, not waiting for Lisa's respond as she drags the future lawyer behind her back, leaving a flustered Sana behind.


Chaeyoung bursts her anger when both of them get into Lisa's car. Her eyes are red now as salty tears start to stream down her adorable cheeks.


"Jagiya" Lisa coos. "Will you listen to me?"

"Listen to what? Your bullshit?" the Korean scoffs. "I saw it Lisa! I saw how you held her hand"

"I didn't" Lisa snaps. "Jagi, she was the one who held my hand. I didn't"




Chaeyoung suddenly feels a lump in her throat soon as she lashes the words to her girlfriend. Lisa freezes in her seat, her expression is unreadable. Nobody, not even her friends have ever said such thing to her face. They know it's a no - go topic to be talked with Lisa.

Her private life; well it's pretty much a mystery to all of them; even Jisoo, Nayeon and Mina who have known her for years.

"Really, Chaeng?" Lisa asks as she looks away. "I thought you were different ... but you are just all the same"

"Lisa, look I'm sorry..."

"Cut it out" Lisa says as she drives the blonde back to her school. "I'm not joining you for lunch today. We'll see each other later"

"Lisa" Chaeyoung reaches for the dark haired's hand but Lisa pulls away quickly as if she is disgusted by the Korean. "Baby, I'm sorry. I shouldn't say that. It crosses the line, I know"

"Just go, Chaeng" Lisa licks her lower lip. She leans over to unbuckle her girlfriend and walks out of her car to have the door opened for Chaeyoung.

For a moment, Chaeyoung feels like killing herself. Why would she say such thing to Lisa when the girl has been nothing but a good and loving girlfriend for her?

"Do you have to go, baby?"

Chaeyoung asks softly as she presses her lips against Lisa's lightly. The Thai reciprocates the kiss but pulls away as Chaeyoung tries to deepen it. She doesn't want the kiss to distract the emotion she's feeling right now. And most importantly, she doesn't want sex or kissing to be their solution for everything.

"I'll see you later" Lisa says firmly before retreating back to her car and drives away.

"Hey" Jennie frowns as she tugs her sister by her arm. "You're late and where the fuck did Lisa go?"

"Jen" the Korean turns to face her big sister. "I fucked up"

*vOtE and cOmMeNt

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