Time Skip

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4 years later

Ace and Sabo still one house but at new one. Both them already work. Ace work at office if Sabo open flower store. Both them of course miss Luffy who's already go 4 years ago.

The other of course already work. Zoro can learn a little about direction, Zoro also work at office. Sanji as a chef. Law as a sadistic doctor. Kidd open a workshop with Killer who's happy to go anywhere he go.

Chopper being children doctor at same hospital as Law. Usopp as sniper at forrest. Franky work as crafter and handyman. Brook of course being a musician,

Robin as teacher because her mother know she can beyond her mom. Nami work at back, she can hold to not steal at least she give a condition for her salary three times more.

Luffy have 2 works, he's a cancer (like Viola) and a actor. His salary is high because he had cute face and small body.

"Luffyland, are you ready?" A friend of his ask tht always protect Luffy from pedophiles also kidnappers, Leo.

"Wait a minute Leo, my flower is gone" Luffy searching for his flower that he usually use at his dance.

"Is this one?" Leo show the flower.

Luffy look at the flower on Leo's hand then smile widely. "Yeah, thanks"

"Aren't you too sexy wearing that clothes?" Leo analysis Luffy's clothes

"All my clothes get wash because it drop to mud. This clothes I borrow from Rebecca's auntie."


Luffy nodded.

"You also looks like Voila-san at past" Leo laughs

"Really?" Luffy ask

"Really! Yosh, let's go!" Luffy pill Luffy's hand.

"Eh you're to excited"

Luffy walk out from Leo's house, they go to middle town. Leo take a thing like radio, ah i forgot what it call :)

Leo play a music for dancer, Luffy getting ready for dance. People also interested to watch him. They gather up, and some are following him dance and some are enjoy. They give money to Luffy and Leo basket.

"Yeah, don't turn on the fire to big or it will burn" Sanji talk with a kid at phone who's also being a cook at his restaurant

"A, cook for it, po-" his words stop after seeing Luffy that he doesn't meet for long time.

"I'm hang up, I have sudden business" Sanji hang up his phone and ran to Luffy.

Sanji hug Luffy till both them fall, all people surprised with what's going on. Leo knew it this gonna happen he smile.

Leo who's the one force Luffy for being dancer so he can meet his boyfriends also his friends. Leo being helped by Viola to teach Luffy how to dance.

"I... I miss you so much Luffy" Sanji let out his tears

"S-sanji? Is this Sanji?" Luffy's eyes teary

Sanji look at Luffy's face and nod. Luffy smile widely and his tears escape. Luffy kiss Sanji's lips, Sanji isn't surprised he kiss him back.

Both them don't care got see by a lot people also got taken picture.

"Sis, they're gay!! Oh my I'm so happy sis"
"You're right! This is my first time seeing gay couple in front my eyes"
"Oh my god I have nosebleed"

Luffy and Sanji let go their kiss, Sanji helps Luffy to stand. Luffy tightly hug Sanji. Leo stops the music and enjoy the few in front of him.

"Why you so sudden go abroad hm, I miss you so much"

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