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At the way, Coby's heart can't stop beating and his face also red.

"Coby, what's wrong? Your face looks red? Are you having fever or hungry?" Luffy realized and asked.

"O-oh nothing Luffy-san, I'm okay. Don't worry about me" Coby answer with smile.

"Oh.. Alright! hey we're going to park right?"

"Yes Luffy-san, the park that have a lots fallen leaves scattering on ground"

"Oh that! Let's go!"

Luffy speed his paddling and Coby was left behind.

"Oh gosh Luffy-san wait for me!"

Coby follow Luffy's speed.

"Yay we're arrived!"

"Gosh... Luffy-san please don't speed up... "

Coby tries to get breath because tired to follow Luffy's speed.

"Sorry hehe because I was to happy got here"


"Because this my favorite place" Luffy look at Coby with his smile.

Coby saw that smiles he distracted because his face all red once again.

"Oohh... Look at there Luffy-san! On there they selling food!"

"Food?! Yayy! Let's go buy"

"I'll go buy, Luffy-san.. You wait here"

"Okay.. "

Luffy remember something

"Oh yeah Coby! I gotta go buy drink for Ace first! I'll come back!"

"Alright don't get lost, remember this place Luffy-san!"


They seperate, Coby went buy food for him and Luffy too, while Luffy went buy drink for Ace.

"Hmm which drink... Buy him a coffee, I'm confused because a lot drinks that Ace like"

Luffy insert his coin and press the coffee part. No longer it out, Luffy bend down to grab it.

"You, you're Ace's little brother right?"

Someone appears next Luffy and it was one of Ace's friends.

"Hah? Pineapple head? Who are you?"

*oh my god so polite* -Marco

"Introducing myself, my name is Marco, Ace's friend"

"Oh Ace's nakama! My name is Luffy!"

"I already know you because Ace always talk about you" Marco smile at Luffy.


"Who you come with?"

"Earlier bicycling with my friend and we seperate to buy food. How about you, pineapple head?" Luffy asked

"I only got buy food for cook at home, I'm run out ingredients"

"Uncle, who you live with?"

*uncle... This boy* -Marco

"Umm boy, I'm not married yet and also not having kids yet. Anyway I'm living with friend"

"Oh.. Must be fun"

Luffy laughed and Marco smiles.


Coby yells because on search Luffy, Luffy realized that he got called.

"Alright uncle, I gotta go now. Sometime we'll meet again" Luffy smiles


Luffy went to Coby, while Marco head to home. 

"Yo Coby!"

"Luffy-san! You're makes me worry"

"Hehe sorry, I'm talking with uncle"

"Uncle? Who?"

"Ace's classmate"

"Call him brother, Luffy-san. He not having wife yet"

"Really? But his face looks like a father"

"Gosh Luffy-san... Oh yeah here are your food"

Coby handed four food to Luffy, while he only got two.

"Woah thanks Coby!"

Luffy grabs and eat them one by one, same with Coby. They sit on bench at park.

After they finish eating  Coby saw sauce at Luffy's lips.

"Luffy-san there's sauce"

"Huh? Where?"

Coby wipe Luffy's lips with his thumb and lick it.

"Oi Coby why you eat it? That's my former"

"Such a waste if we throw"

"You're like Sanji, hahahaha!"

Luffy laughs little and also Coby.

"Let's continue" Luffy invited

"Let's go"

They came back bicycling around the park and got out from park.

"Luffy-san, do you have lover yet?"

"Not yet.. Because not interested to dating, why?"

"Oh nothing, only asking"

*So that's why when saw a beautiful girl at school his face is normal.. Same to Zoro* -Coby

"If Luffy-san start interest with dating, what gender will you interested?"

"Hmm.. I guess, both.. I don't know to. Depends on my interested" Luffy answer

"Like that..."

"Coby look! There's white dog! So cute"

"I-it like want to case us Luffy-san" Coby answer with scared expression.

"Oh no it case us, hahaha! Quickly Coby! If you don't want get bite!"

They speed up because case by a dog. After far away from that dog, they stop a while for catching air.

"So surprising hahaha"

"My heart feels like want to falling out.. Huaah"

"Oh Coby! It's pass 5 o'clock, I should got home before Sabo mad!" Luffy panicked

"Alright I'll take you home, Luffy-san"

"Thank you Coby"

Coby smiles because he can help Luffy.

After arrived

"Bye Coby! See you again tomorrow! Today was so fun"

"Happy to hear it Luffy-san! See you tomorrow too!"

Luffy waves his hands to Coby, Coby nod his head and bicycling to his home. Luffy walks inside his house and find Ace and Sabo sitting on sofa.

Next chapter! Let's go!

Next chapter! Let's go!

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[Luffy harem] Fanboying over Luffy [One Piece] (English version) ✔ Where stories live. Discover now