The beetle's core

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Rita smiled.
“As I said, I had a very good overview of my position. I also overheard Mr. Potter's conversations. "
Harry's eyes widened.
"All?" he wanted to know, panting.
When he blushed, the journalist knew exactly what he was thinking about, his father's sex education class.
“Don't worry, I promised not to divulge any secrets. At least not yours.
I will certainly denounce one thing. Something that Myrte had told. "
"You mean the pipe thing?" Harry wanted to know.
Rita nodded and shuddered.
“That is probably not a condition. the children go swimming in this lake. In addition, magical beings live in it.
"That misses Dumbledore's ass. Which is really the appropriate expression in that case. "
"SIRIUS! There are children here. ”Severus scolded him.
"So what, they are all old enough, they know such words." The former marauder tried to justify himself.
"Gabrielle doesn't." Hagrid explained.
the little girl was delighted with the man's size and was sitting on his lap. Much to the delight of the half-giant.
Sirius blushed and apologized meekly.
"So much for manners." Lucius grinned. then he turned back to Severus.
"What is your worse half talking about?"
"Hey!" It came from Sirius. But he was ignored.
"The water pipes all lead into the black lake."
Now you could hear disgusted noises from all sides.
"Does that give the lake its name?" Gabriell wanted to know.
“I don't know, but you go swimming on the spot. The dirt has to go. ”Certain Fleur.
"We should all clean up." Milena looked down at herself in disgust.
Harry and Severus looked at each other and nodded to each other.
The next moment they pulled out their wands. A little magic and everyone felt as if they had just had a shower.
"But I wasn't in the lake." It came from Lucius, grinning.
"Cleanliness has never harmed anyone." Mrs. Krumm instructed him.

After they recovered from the fit of laughter that the old lady's statement had triggered, things became quiet again.
“Why weren't you actually in the stands? You couldn't have known that you wouldn't see anything there? ”Michael wanted to know from the journalist.
The woman gave a very gross grunt.
“Because the director, I-stupidly-don't-choke-on-my-candy, has forbidden me to continue reporting on the tournament. Or rather, he forbade me to enter the school premises. "
Fleur gave a dry laugh.
"That was probably the revenge because he didn't like your articles about the magical beings."
“Right, Daddy got the same ban after the Christmas ball. for him, the reason was probably that the director didn't get off well on his reports. The man just can't stand negative criticism. ”Luna added.

Mrlovegood had bluntly reported about the impossible behavior of the Weasley parents at the ball. He also denounced Dumbledore's and Karkaroff's pandering to celebrities. and he didn't fail to mention that it was Harry's idea to use the additional champions. The old man passed that off as his idea.

“It's all getting more and more ridiculous. Not to say criminal. I don't understand why nobody is doing anything against this man? ”Melina's mother wanted to know.

She was slowly recovering from her shock. had her Remus not given her sedative, she would probably have had a nervous breakdown. There was nothing she could do about her fear of water. She couldn't even take a bath without panicking. taking a shower was the highest of emotions.

"Because the old man has a lot of power and unfortunately a lot of supporters." Sirius grumbled.
"Still? After everything that was reported about him last year? ”Cedric was stunned.
rita nodded.
“Yes, people are always good at looking for excuses. Otherwise you would have to admit that you had supported a criminal for years. And this man is nothing else. At least if you ask me. but you look stupid yourself when you admit something like that. "
Again everyone agreed.
“Then we should do it differently. Unfortunately, many people see the magical beings as inferior. that way it will take much longer to saw the old man's chair. We could also use dental floss right away. "
Harry looked at Lucius, startled.
"Mr. malfoy, you're not asking us to stop fighting for beings' rights, are you? "
Lucius smiled disarmingly at the boy.
“Certainly not, you should continue as before. The first voices are already loud calling for the abolition of the hunt. And very powerful voices. But, even if the hunts are banned, none of the hunters will be held accountable. because at the moment they are not breaking the law. "
Harry cursed to himself. So quietly, however, that Gabrielle couldn't hear it. but you could clearly see how his white streak rose with anger and mutated back into a fountain.
Severus stroked the boy's hair and pulled him close.
"So what do you propose?he wanted to know from his blond friend.
“We're going to do what Ms. Skeeter already planned to do. We report on the school's grievances. The pipes, the outdated teaching. The given notes. that Dumbledore sends children in danger. I only remember the second year with the Chamber. "
Draco looked guilty at Ginny. She gave him a kiss, however. Seemed like they'd already talked about this subject.

bat, grimm and the cat can fix it (Translation)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon