The Deal

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"What are you doing here?" Eda said.

"Just doing what I'm told," the Golden Guard said.

"Your the one who put us in prison!" Dewey said.

"Why are you doing all this?" Huey said.

"You see," the Golden Guard said. "You two Duck's aren't supposed to be here."

"Oh, I do a lot of things I'm not supposed to," Dewey said proudly.

Huey slapped his forehead, saying, "What are you even doing here? We only fought our own problems, not yours."

"That's not it," the Golden Guard said. "The new re-constructed portal not only allows us to move locations, as we found out, but also through time."


"Scrooge! Gyro!" Gus said.

"Freeze!" One of the emperor's guards said.

Gus began to run, but he stopped in his steps.

"Why are you doing this?" Gus asked. But as him and the guards talked, he secretly made two illusion versions of himself. They both ran off to find Luz and Webby, and Amity and Louie.


"So?" Huey said to the Golden Guard.

"Yes, so when I looked into the future, we found the Emperor's guard defeated, and you Ducks at the direct aid of the people were after. So we figured that if we stopped them now, we wouldn't have to deal with you in the future, and therefore, we would never be defeated."

"Since when has the portal been able to do that?" Eda said.

"Since ever," Golden Guard said. "So I'm prepared to offer you two Ducks a deal."

Huey, Dewey, Willow, and Eda looked concerned.

"Since the we can travel through time in the portal, we can go back right to where you about to meet, and it never happened."

"And give us one good reason why we should just stop all this?" Hue said, crossing his arms.

"Because," the Golden Guard said. "Back in the Duck realm, we have your friends under siege, and I'm ready to give them the go ahead to destroy them all."

Huey and Dewey looked at each other.

"If you attack me, I give the go ahead. If you try to run, I give the go ahead." The Golden Guard said, walking around and looking out the window.

"Huey," Dewey said. "Are we really just gonna give this all up?"

"Do we have much of a choice?" Huey said.

The F.O.W.L. House Pt.II (Ducktales x The Owl House)Where stories live. Discover now