The City

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As everyone went on their way, Lena and Gus began to know each other.

"So you have the ability to do Magic here?" Gus said.

"Yeah," Lena said. "The other ducks need to use glyphs, but I was born a sorcerer, or made, which ever one."

"Well were too? There's a great big city ahead of us," Gus said.

And over the next few hours, Lena taught Gus about the Duck Realm, showing him to certain places. Eventually, they were on the pier.

"This has been a great day!" Gus said, throwing a dart at the board.

"Yeah," Lena said. "Maybe ne-"

But Lena was quickly cut off from her talking when the area around them began to swirl up. Papers flew around, and trash bins flew to the ground.

"What's happening?" Lena said. But then, a small door appeared. 

"Oh no," Gus said. 

The door opened, and several of the Emperor's guards appeared.

"Who's that?" Lena said to Gus.

"It's the Emperor's Guard!" Gus said. "They must be here to get Me, Luz, and Amity!"

"Well I'll stop them!" Lena said. She launched her energy blast at one of the guard, which were scaring the other people in the area.

"Hey!" one of the guards said. 

"Don't hey me," Lena said. "I know what you're here for!"

Lena began to fight the guards, and as they fought to keep the other at bay, Gus was successfully able to sneak out behind their back. He ran for his life to the bin to warn Scrooge and Gyro.


"Ready Willow?" Dewey said.

"I'm ready," Willow said.

Willow was barely able to reach the lever, freeing Dewey. Then, Dewey freed Willow and Huey from their cages like his.

"Let's go get Eda!" Willow said. "Just follow me!"

Huey and Dewey followed Willow to the isolation department of the conformitorium. They eventually found the cages.

"Eda?" Willow said.

"Are you there?" Dewey said.

"Kids!" Eda said.

"Eda!" Willow said. Willow was able to free Eda.

"Are you okay?" Huey said.

"As I'll ever be," Eda said.

"Wait a moment," Dewey said. "Shouldn't there be guards here?"

"Not when I'm here."

The Golden Guard came out of the shadows


Gus ran into the lab. He found Scrooge and Gyro.

"Scrooge! The Emperor's guard is here! There's gonna attack us! We need to be ready," Gus screamed, catching his breath.

"Yeaaaaaah," Gyro said.

"Your too late," a guard said. The three were surrounded by tens of guards.

The F.O.W.L. House Pt.II (Ducktales x The Owl House)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat