The Big Fight

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"Can someone put me down?" Dewey said.

"Not now Dewey," Huey said. "And we're not going anywhere."

"Who is the Empero-" Scrooge said, but was surprised by another sight.

"Wait where's Louie?"

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Louie screamed, running into the crowd of Gaurds as he grabbed the groups and untied them.

"Get the green one!" the Golden Guard yelled to his troops.

"Not so fast," Luz said, using a fire spell against the guards. "Willow! Do the thing!"

"On it!" Willow said, grading the Golden Guard with a branch. 

"Oh gee than- AHHHHH!!!!" Dewey said, plummeting to the ground, but was caught by Eda.

"Eda! Do something!" Scrooge said.

"That's a little hard right now," she said.

But suddenly, the Golden Guard broke free as Gus and Amity were trying to keep him contained.

"Stay back!" Amity said, but when her Abomination magic collided with the Golden Gaurd's magic, a big explosion occurred.

After the dust cleared, the Golden Guard saw that only Willow, Eda, Huey, and Dewey remained.

"What happened?" the Golden Guard said.

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