When Niall woke up, they were at school. He looked around before felt the sharp pain in his shoulder.
"Ow!" Niall cried out before he raised his hand to his shoulder and he cried more.
"Oh darling, I appreciate the acting but you've got school to go to," Louis told him as he stopped the car and both Liam and him got out.
"But dada... it hurts..." Niall complained as Louis opened the door.
"Of course it does love, come on," Louis said as he got Niall out of the car and Liam put his school bag onto his shoulders. Niall was in too much pain to cry out, so he just began walking to the school gate. Louis ruffled Niall's hair before he stepped out of his reach.
"Have a good day Niall!"
"We love you!" Liam and Louis called as Niall went through the school gates.


"Hello, Brooker's Accountants," Liam said as he picked up the phone that was on his desk.
"Am I speaking to Liam Tomlinson?" A woman asked.
"Yes, that's me."
"My name's Jane, I'm calling from St John's Primary School about your son, Niall Tomlinson."
"Oh, is everything ok? He's not in any trouble is he?"
"No. Your son collapsed about half an hour ago and we called for an ambulance," The woman said and Liam's blood ran cold. Niall hadn't been joking earlier that morning. "The paramedics found that he's got a dislocated shoulder and bruising to his chest. We've informed the police as these injuries require us to start our domestic abuse procedures. I'm sorry about this Mr Tomlinson, but they'll need to question both you and your husband about Niall's injuries."
"No, erm... yeah, of course...." Liam said as he was in a state of shock. "I'll call Louis now and we'll get down to the school as soon as we can."
"We'll need you both to go to the hospital rather than the school."
"Yeah... ok..." Liam continued as he tried to stay calm. "The hospital, fine. Thank you," He said before he hung up. "Fuck!" He shouted before he hit his desk. How had he not noticed a dislocated shoulder?! Niall had been screaming in pain and neither he or Louis had believed him. Had he actually passed out on the way to school then?

"Liam, what's wrong?" Louis asked as he picked up the phone. He had told Liam to only call him at work if it was an emergency.
"Niall collapsed at school."
"What?! Is he ok?"
"He's got a dislocated shoulder Lou and we need to erm... we need to talk to the police."
"Oh shit," Louis said, knowing that neither he or Liam knew why Niall had a dislocated shoulder and so the police suspected them even more because of it. "Where's Niall now? Is our baby ok?"
"He's gone to hospital, I'll meet you there Lou ok."
"I'll be there in ten minutes," Liam said before he hung up.

"I'm sure that your dad's will be along soon," A policeman reassured Niall as he sat crying on the hospital bed. His arm was in a sling and his shoulder had been relocated by a locum doctor. No he just wanted his dad's.
"Niall! Niall, honey," Louis called as he rushed forwards and took Niall into his arms.
"Be careful with his arm Mr Tomlinson."
"I am being careful. I love you baby, oh we're so sorry," Louis said as he kissed Niall and Niall snuggled deeply into his dad.
"I'm Liam, Niall's other dad," Liam said as he extended his hand and the policeman shook it.
"Officer Hopkins. I'm glad that you both came so swiftly."
"Dada," Niall said as he saw Liam.
"Hi baby," Liam said before he sat on Niall's bed and kissed his son gently. "Daddy's here and we're really, really sorry love."
"Does it hurt anymore?" Louis asked his son as they were huddled together as a family.
"No," Niall said as he shook his head.
"Niall's had a few painkillers," Officer Hopkins told them.
"Ok love," Louis said before he kissed Niall again.
"Oi Lou! Let me love him!" Liam interrupted and Niall giggled as both of his dad's showered him with kisses.
"Alright, I hate to break this up but I need to have a chat with both of you," Officer Hopkins said and both Liam and Louis paid more attention to him.
"Of course officer."
"Niall and I had a chat before you arrived and he said that he woke up feeling funny and that his arm hurt."
"Yeah," Niall said as he blushed and Liam pulled him close.
"He also said that you ignored his pleas for help, although you didn't hurt him."
"We'd never, ever hurt Niall," Louis defended and Niall sniffled.
"Niall?" The officer asked as he came forward.
"Honey?" Liam asked as both he and Louis looked at their son.
"Did they hurt you?" The officer asked and Niall nodded.
"Shush," The officer told Liam as he knelt down to Niall's height. "You're safe Niall. How did they hurt you?" Officer Hopkins asked and Louis's blood went cold. Liam. It was Liam getting him dressed and then with the school bag that had hurt him. Oh Liam, Niall didn't understand what this meant, but they did.
"Top... dada put my top... on and. And I screamed..."
"You screamed?"
"Yeah. Then... then the world went funny, and I... was at school. Dada put the bag on me and I can't... I don't..." Niall said as he began crying once more.
"Ok honey, ok," Officer Hopkins said and Louis was disgusted that he was calling their son honey. "Excuse me!" He called and a member of staff came over. "Can you look after this little one? I have to talk to his fathers."
"I'm not really supposed to mind children during a shift..."
"This is Niall Tomlinson, state purple," The officer said and the staff member's face became serious.
"Of course. Why don't we get you a lollipop or something buddy alright?"
"Yeah..." Niall said between his tears.
"Yeah. Come on, do you want a strawberry one or a lemon one?" The staff member asked as he took Niall's hand and began walking with him away from Louis and Liam.
"Is he going to be ok?" Liam asked.
"He'll be fine. Now, you are both under suspicion of physically abusing your son and given Niall's evidence, I have raised this to a heightened level of suspension."
"What does that mean?" Liam asked as he gripped Louis's hand and they both tried to stay calm.
"It means that, for the moment, we are going to have to keep Niall separate from you both and you will not be able to take him home."
"What?!" Louis cried out in horror.
"Louis, calm down," Liam said and Officer Hopkins wrote something down on his pad of paper.
"Ok. Liam, we'll start with your statement of the events between 7pm yesterday and now."

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