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He sputtered for a moment and Sapphire laughed. "that's funny. That is hilarious" he coughed a few times. "No, what made you think that?" Todoroki blinked a few times, before speaking in a low but uninterested tone. "you haven't tried to flirt with her in the last 5 minutes, also you seem to know her pretty well" Sapphire snorted, "he's gay" Killua flushed. "t-they weren't supposed to know that!" Sero, Ojiro, and Todoroki were enormously confused. "you flirt with girls all the time though" Sero said. "yeah, and you hang out with Mineta" Sapphire gave him a look. "really?" he groaned. "listen, I only flirt with girls who aren't interested" he said, and Ojiro frowned slightly. "but why?" he bit his lip. "reasons I don't feel like explaining, but it was supposed to be a secret" Damn cover story. Gon ruffled his hair and he shot him a small glare. "well nobody cares" he said. "but-" Gon cut him off. "nobody cares if your gay" he put his face in his hands. "but it was a secret" he grumbled. Bakugou who had been silent the whole time, suddenly yelled. "WHY THE HELL ARE WE STILL OUT HERE" Killua removed his hands. "Oh right, I just remembered something" he smirked a little. "Bakugou got roasted while we were in the villain's hideout" there was muffled laughter then, "YOU SHUT UP ASSHAT" Killua leapt to his feet and stretched, then helped Gon up. "as much fun as that was, what now?"

Sapphire shrugged, "I mean, I could totally expose you in front of your friends" he shot her a glare. "I swear to-" she chuckled, "I could tell them who your crush is" he flushed and shoved past her, covering his face with his hands and crouching near the edge of the rooftop. "NO!" there was more laughing. FUCK YOU SAPPHIRE. Out of nowhere, there was a strong gust of wind. He wasn't expecting it and he was distracted so he smacked his hands from his face to the building. Damn, I almost fell off. But then he heard something that was very alarming, it was crying. His eyes snapped in the direction and he gasped when he saw it was a child that had fallen out a broken window. "Fuck" he didn't stop to think about the consequences, he jumped off and readied his yoyo. The kid looked to be about 10 and he was too terrified to scream. "KAMINARI" it was gonna be a close call but he could make it by angling himself to fall faster. Killua reached out and grabbed him with one arm, using the other to swing his yoyo wide and wrap around a sort of flagpole that was on one of the buildings. The kid sobbed into his shirt, but he just hung there for a few moments and breathed. That was close. He glanced down at the drop below them with a sigh. "you alright kid?"

Then there was shouting and Gon came down after him, kicking off buildings and grabbing onto a window sill. "I thought you said I was dumb" he snapped. He shot him a glare, "there was a child!" children were one of the things that put him into action. "MENSHI!" he glanced up to see a woman who was clutching the side of the broken window the kid fell out of. He gave her a smile, "this your kid?" she gasped. "oh my god!" that's a yes. He pointed downwards, "I'm gonna go down, come and meet me there" she nodded and left the window. Gon gave him a smile, "I can take him if you want" Killua snorted, then slid down the building. It was just about 2 stories so it wasn't that big of a drop. He had to release his grip on the yoyo though, Gon caught it on his way down. The group he was with was waiting for him. "Kaminari what the hell!" Kirishima yelled. He sighed heavily and revealed the kid. "well you see, this kid fell off of a building" Gon came down with a thump next to him. "your big brother instincts are on point " he shot Gon a glare. "you just sat there! I don't wanna hear it from you" there was a tug on his sleeve and he looked down at the kid, who was staring up at him with wide pale blue eyes. "woah, your that guy from T.V"

Killua gave him a warm smile. Not a Denki smile, just a warm one. "that was reckless" Sapphire scolded. "I've had to save your ass as well princess" he said with a smirk. Gon poked him sharply, "you're holding a kid!" he winced slightly. "sorry" she crossed her arms. "not only did you get stabbed, but you just got out of being kidnapped" Killua growled a little, catching some people by surprise. "I do not regret my decision. Would never even if I did break a few bones" Gon sighed. "you never change" this also got him strange looks. "my baby!" he looked over to see the woman running across the rubble strewn ground. "Mama!" he turned and held the kid out to his mother. "oh my god your all right!" she took him from him and cuddled her child close. "thank you so much" he rubbed the back of his head. "it wasn't that big of a deal-" she shook her head, "no it is! You'll make a fine hero one day" I'm not so sure about that. He smiled though, and she thanked him one more time before hustling off. "today was very eventful" he said, before leaning back on the wall. "I'm surprised you had the strength to jump off a building like that after everything that already happened" Ojiro said. He rubbed the back of his head. "I didn't stop to think, I just did it. But man, I feel drained" and he kind of did, but not as much as he was making it out to seem.

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