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The room went silent, and Alluka paused. She looked over at him, then narrowed her eyes slightly. "why do you know my name?" she's obviously got training by how she holds that knife. "your holding that knife like you know how to use it, did you happen to get training from Illumi?" her eyes went wide. "how do you know about him? Who are you!" well that was kind of sad, but he guessed that he changed his look so she couldn't recognize him. "how do you know our newest member?" the hand guy hissed. "newest member? Damn that's pretty impressive" Alluka growled a little. "tell me who you are!" he chuckled, "well that kind of hurts, Nanika" when he said the last part, Alluka closed her eyes and Nanika came out. There was instant panic for a moment, but then Nanika started to walk over towards him. "Killua" she said, and he smiled down into those hollow black eyes. "long time no see Nanika, please remove my hair dye and contacts" he didn't want to use her, but it was a simple order. And he needed it right now, his hair was getting all messed up. "Ai" she paused in the middle of a room and put a hand up, his hair ruffled a little as the yellow faded from it. There was dead silence and his contacts slipped out and put themselves back into their case. When Alluka came back, she was crying. "Oni-chan!"

She ran over and hugged him, he gave her a warm smile. "I missed you so much!" he slipped one arm out of his restraints and wrapped it around her, he was crying too a little. "what the hell is going on here! Who the hell is that little bi-" he shot a bloodlust filled at Bakugou. His eyes went wide and he stopped speaking, shocked into silence. "call her that again and I'll rip your tongue out" he said in a low monotone voice. Alluka sat on his lap with a happy smile. "Oh! Look at this" she showed him the dagger and he picked it up, only to grin at how heavy it was. "this feels like 10 KGs, your starting pretty well" a few murmurs went around the room but he didn't care, hell he didn't give a shit about Bakugou right now either. "where's Gon?" she asked. Killua chuckled, "he actually goes to school with me" Alluka's eyes started to gleam. "I want to go to school!" suddenly his bloodlust spiked and he caught an arm, digging his fingers into the hand man's wrist. his fingers were inches away from his sister. "if you so much as a lay a finger on her, I'll kill you" he snarled, locking eyes with him. He staggered back in a rather undignified manor, which was quite hilarious. Alluka tugged on his sleeve. "where do-" suddenly bakugou growled. "how can you blindly trust all these villains! They kill people!" Alluka blinked. "so?" he snickered at the utterly baffled and enraged expression on his face. "our parents are assassins, it's not like we have an issue with death"

He snapped the metal and threw the restraints aside, before crossing his legs and letting Alluka sit on his lap. "I have a question" he glanced up at the blonde schoolgirl, she looked kind of beat up. "I don't like you, tried to put your hands on my boyfriend" her jaw dropped. "Izu has a boyfriend?" Alluka gasped. "but I thought big brother's crush was Gon!" he chuckled. "he is Gon Alluka, he just changed his name" he blushed a little at that though. "why does she get black eyes?" Killua stroked Alluka's hair a bit and she leaned into his shoulder. "that is Nanika, it's pretty much her quirk. She comes out when you fulfill 3 requests" she blinked. "what happens if you don't?" he sighed. "if you fail to fulfill 4 consecutive requests, you and the people you spend most time with will die" there were horrified gasps from some people, awed ones from others, some of these people weren't right in the head. "wait a minute, if you aren't Denki Kaminari, than who are you?" Dabi asked. "the name's Killua Zoldyck" he said, "this is my little sister Alluka Zoldyck" there was a creepy laugh. "how do you feel about joining the league of villa-" he growled. "hell no!" Killua snapped. "I don't kill innocent people, not anymore." Alluka looked up at him and gave him another hug. "big brother doesn't have to if he doesn't want to, but can I stay?"

He was torn here. Should I let her stay? I mean, she can defend herself now I'm sure but... he bit his lip. "I mean.. If you want to I guess it's alright" Alluka beamed. "yay! I can get more knife lessons from Toga!" his own smile faded a little. "but if you stay I won't get to see you" she paused. "Oni-chan can come over sometimes right? Or maybe I'll come see you" he sighed. "oh alright" he sat up straight and shot a glare at each and every one of the villains. "but if any of you so much as touches my little sister, I'm leaving and taking her with me" there were nods from most of them and he stood up, Alluka slid off his lap and grabbed his hand. "oh, something to mention" he said, patting Alluka's head. "the requests get harder, at first it's pointless stuff but as the levels go on she starts asking for organs and body parts. Why does Nanika need body parts?" Alluka shrugged. "it's what she wants, I don't question why. All I do is ask for what she wants" Killua chuckled. "well, have fun alright? Oh!" he put a finger up, just to test something. "three?" he grinned. "nice job Alluka, now I ought to get going before someone comes looking for me. Mainly Gon, I-" suddenly the door slammed open. It was Gon, who still had a broken arm.

Just Out Of Reach (MHA X HXH)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora