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He sighed, "that was kind of a half truth, I actually ran away from home and had to change how I looked to avoid getting dragged back and forced to be the heir of the family business" Gon frowned slightly, "wait, can't we just like ask Nanika to make them forget about you or something?" he fidgeted, that was a good plan but he didn't want to use her like that. "I mean we could but I don't like using her for my own desires, besides I haven't seen her in a while" suddenly there was a very familiar voice coming from close by. "hold on, I recognize you!" Mina came up behind Gon and he groaned, "oh for fucks sake" Mina glanced over at him, "who are you?" what do I do here. Gon giggled, "well, you might not believe me but-"

He shot Gon a glare and he paused. "but why not?" he put a finger up, 'Ojiro already knows, Mina's a dumbass and she might slip' Gon rolled his eyes, "ok, killua" he smiled at Mina, "uhh, so you need something?" Mina grabbed his hand and Killua nearly glared at her for it, "well you see your friend who you haven't seen for like 2 years happens to go to my school" she's so nice. Gon giggled, "well I met up with him earlier today actually" she blinked, "really?" he nodded. "yeah, and you see he has beautiful sapphire eyes" Mina glanced over at him and he facepalmed "I just said no dumbass" Mina tilted her head, "wait a minute, that voice kind of sounds like Denk's" Killua smacked Gon and he giggled, "I was trying to keep my identity a secret!" he smacked him back, "Ojiro already knew! Why not her too!" Killua grabbed Gon's hand and dragged him away. "I'm not having this conversation! Your coming to my house" Gon slipped out of his grip and bolted back over to Sapphire. "but I wanna ask your friend what you've been doing for the last couple of years!" Killua growled, trying to catch him. "get back here!"

Gon leapt around dodging Killua's attempts to swing at him, it was pretty fun to be honest. "catch me if you can Killua!" he let out a frustrated noise as he jumped over Killua's head. "you know what, I'm so fucking done" suddenly Killua paused, so he did too while hanging on to the top of the building. He took off some sort of bracelet thing and activated Godspeed. "hey! That's cheati-" Killua was up to where he was in a flash, then back down with Gon's wrists firmly in one of his hands. "I'm not in the mood for your bullshit" he giggled, "that was kinda hot" Killua yelped, flushing and covering his face which enabled him to escape. "ha!" he hid behind Sapphire, who was watching with an amused expression. Killua glared in his direction as mina squealed "fuck you!" Gon smirked, knowing how to make Killua freak out more. "sure" as expected, he turned into a tomato and covered his face with a half sob half squeal. "WHAT THE FUCK! THIS IS WHY I HATE YOU!" he giggled, "but you love me" he coughed a few times before uncovering his face. "your so damn embarrassing, why do you have to say shit like that?"

Killua was just recovering from whatever the hell Gon just said when he remembered something. "also, Mina knows your real identity too" he paused, "wait what?" Mina giggled, "I was the one who found out, Denki hated you at first because you were so similar to your old personality" he smacked mina. "OI!" Gon came over and smacked him instead. "be nice!" he smacked Gon back. "no, I'm tired of acting. I'm gonna be my fucking self for once" Killua put his hands behind his head, "Baaka~" Mina gasped, "wait, that was fake?" he blinked over his shoulder at her. "oh fuck, I forgot you were here for a few seconds" Gon snickered, "hey Killua, wanna do something we haven't done in a while?" he looked back at Gon. "like what?" he was actually interested though. what could Gon possibly- "hehe" there was a pop and suddenly his shoulder was dislocated. He just stood there for a few seconds, ignoring the horrified expressions on the other two. "really Gon?" he clicked the bone back into the right place and ruffled his hair, "how about we do stupid shit like roof jumping or something? Instead of dislocating my shoulder" he frowned slightly, "wont we get in trouble if we go roof jumping? Also I don't see a tall enough building around here"

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