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Jiro's eyes widened as she peeked out from behind the tree. There was a whole assortment of items on the ground next to a large blue bag, but what surprised her the most was the yellow hair dye and the golden contact container. He wears contacts and hair dye? "I can see that baka, damn it where'd your hair gel go?" there was a short laugh. "I still can't believe you got your hair to curl" her brain was slowly putting the pieces together. Hold on a minute, that boy he drew a picture of. He and Midoria look very similar, not to mention the fact that his hair was spiked up and he just said something about hair gel. "well I wanted to have curly hair like you, I was also gonna dye it white like yours before I realized that I had to bleach it" Denki has white hair? I guess it makes sense. "why are you an idiot?" that took her by surprise. Not only had Denki just insulted Midoria, but he called him dumb. Midoria was easily one of the smartest people in the class. "I know I'm dumb! It's so hard acting all smart like I actually know what I'm doing, that's why I take notes by the way" how many secrets do they have? She heard rustling and hid a little, only to see Mina walk past her and over to the two of them. "why are you guys out here?"

To her surprise, they actually told her. "oh, we were just getting my bag of stuff" she peered in it curiously. "is that makeup?" he saw Denki blush. "No!" Midoria giggled a little and grabbed his hand again. Wait, how does she know about them dating? And they were right? They wouldn't hold hands if they weren't dating. "I never asked, but why exactly did you two decide to go to U.A?" that seemed like an odd question to her, didn't they want to be heroes? "well, I thought it would be a fun challenge. Also the thrill of nearly dying is pretty nice too" what the fuck? Mina laughed a little. "um ok, what about you?" he said, glancing over at Denki. "well, my family's kind of toxic" he said, rubbing the back of his head. "I kind of ran away and hid myself in the last place they would look, which is a hero school" she narrowed her eyes slightly. "why would that be the last place they look?" Mina asked curiously. Denki glanced at Midoria and he nodded. "well fine I'll tell you. But you have to keep it a secret ok?" he lowered his voice a little as Mina nodded, but Jiro's earphone jacks could hear it plain as day. "my parents are assassins, and wanted me to be one too" the shock was instant, on both her and Mina. "when I decided I didn't want to be one, I was forced into killing people by my brother" that's so... depressing. He saw Midoria give him a hug. "nobody likes Illumi! I said stop thinking about him!" Midoria knew? They seem to have a past together, so why do they barely talk?

"anyways, when I was twelve I ran away from home" he was forced to kill people before the age of twelve? Jiro felt really bad for Denki, how could he live on being so cheerful with the weight of all those deaths on his chest? "that's when I met Gon and decided I didn't want to be an assassin anymore" Mina smirked. "so he changed your life" Denki sputtered "I- n- f- ok maybe" he grumbled, ruffling Gon's hair. "anyways, you guys are gonna miss dinner" Mina said. Jiro suddenly remembered how hungry she was. "oh we already ate" Gon said, "I caught some fish" she paused. "do you fish often?" he nodded. "yeah! When I used to live on whale island I caught most of my own food" Denki snorted. "can catch fucking birds with his damn fishing pole, it's honestly really impressive" I've never heard him swear before, but he's done it a few times in the past ten minutes. "something I've been meaning to ask" Mina said, shifting on her feet a little. "I remember you saying how you were the smart one when you guys were younger, does that mean you're really smart?" he chuckled ."well my family knows me very well, so I tried to act like a dumb idiot so they couldn't find me. It's really hard being all happy and shit though" Mina sighed. "I just realized that you swear almost as much as bakubabe does" Denki shot her a glare. "well, I wasn't taught how to be nice. I was taught how to kill people and effectively. All this hero shit was hard at first. Also, I've been wanting to beat monama's ass as well. He's such a bitch"

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