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This plan was bad. But it was Gon's plan, so he had to trust it. Pretty much the entire league was surrounding him in some sort of open area in the middle of the night. "attack me for real if you want" he grinned, his hair slightly sparking with yellow electricity. He was blasted with a wave of blue fire, he quickly ducked and brought bakugou with him. "I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP KILLUBITCH" he chuckled as he dodged a knife. "sounds kinda like 'kill a bitch', which is something I don't mind doing" that got him a giggle from Toga and a few others laughed as well. The whole vanguard action squad was there, but only like 3 people were attacking him. It was Toga, Dabi, and the dude with the big ass lips he didn't know the name of. His damn quirk kept pulling and pushing him which made his reaction time lessen. He didn't quite remember how they got into this position, but a building exploded and some pro heroes got absolutely wrecked. Suddenly spinner was propelled at him with insane speed and he sidestepped, bringing a firm hand down on his neck with a chop. He let out a grunt of pain and fell. He wasn't knocked out, but he used his body to throw off another attack. Bakugou was on the defensive because he was also being attacked, but they were coming at him harder because he asked them to.

As he was fighting, he kept a focused expression on his face like it was difficult to handle. Twice came at him and he leapt over a punch, before shocking him a little and making him stumble back. It felt great as he was smoothly avoiding attacks, he occasionally slipped up though so it looked like he was trying his hardest. I could probably go on the offensive and hold my own at the same time if I wanted to. He and bakugou were separated, but that didn't matter to him. Suddenly Allmight came and punched the handy man's master, to his surprise he actually held his own and was still standing. Bakugou was knocked to his hands and knees but he had braced himself properly and shielded his face with his hands. Damn, that wind pressure is insane. As much as he hated to admit it, Allmight was closer to Bisky's level than he was in terms of raw strength. Although, he was pretty sure the old hag would win in a 1 on 1 with him. They yelled at each other a bit and he dodged another knife throw. Most of the villains were watching the leader but some were still fighting with him. That was when he felt a warm pressure on his hip. He reached down and touched it, then it subsided. He and Gon had some sort of signal device, that was Gon saying he was there and watching. The villains got an order to retreat with him and Bakugou so they started going harder on him.

The villains however left him open for some reason. As Toga was going for a slash that would have left a mark on Bakugou, he dodged a swipe from twice and twisted to the side. In that action Killua swiped one of her feet out from under her with his ankle, causing her to miss. A moment after he twisted again and dove under Twice's legs, then jumped, twirling in midair and locking his legs around his neck. Twice let out a yelp and he swiveled on his shoulders to avoid Toga who aimed a barrage of slashes at him again. Killua leapt off him as spinner came at them, dodging another long ranged attack midair with instinctive acrobatics. He was honestly half showing off, half having fun. He twisted again, landing catlike on all fours except for one hand that was curled and ready to strike. "look at those fancy moves!" Toga yelled, throwing another knife. How many of those damn things does she have? He thought, using his free hand to catch it as well as leaping over a tackle. He tossed the knife aside and a back handspring because he felt like doing gymnastics right now. By doing so he avoided another barrage of attacks from multiple people. This is fun. What made it more exerting, was that he was using Ren but none of his other Nen abilities. He relied on his fighting experience alone with the excuse that too much electricity would make him go braindead.

Bakugou was silent for once, just dodging attacks as best he could. Somehow he got himself engaged in a fistfight with spinner though, he wasn't exactly sure how that happened but he dodged all his hits and whipped to the side, bringing his foot along with his body and coming hard into the back of his knee. As he finished the quick spin Killua leapt forward, landing and pushing off one of his hands before coming back down with a flip to get his feet angled towards the ground. By doing so he dodged a stab from Toga while she aimed for his shoulder as well as another hit from Twice. Those two actually worked quite well together in a two on one situation. All while this was happening, there were explosions and yelling and the wind was whipped up a little from Allmight and All For One's fight. Out of nowhere, Toga stepped up her game and threw four knives at once. Two of them managed to hit, shredding the front of his shirt. He saw Toga blush and smile with that toothy grin of hers. "so beautiful" is she talking about my abs or the blood? I can never tell with her. The wounds weren't deep, it was pretty much just a graze. "impressive" he said in a low tone. Suddenly he felt the warm pressure again and he activated En.

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