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Killua froze, then was hugged from behind. "I knew it was you!" he glanced over to see Midoria- no, Gon, with his arms wrapped around him. "oh hey" he willed himself not to cry, if he cried he would have to take out his contacts. "I'm not following" Gon glanced over at Ojiro. "oh uhh" Killua snorted. " you know what? I don't give two shits about my cover anymore" he slipped out his contacts and put them in his case, then ruffled his hair a little to make it extra curly. Gon let go and removed his own contacts. "how long did you know I was me?" Gon giggled, "I saw your first picture" he flushed, "Baka!" he tried to walk away when Gon grabbed his arm, "no you don't! I haven't been able to have a real talk with you for 2 years!" he sighed. "I guess, we can go to my place" Ojiro cleared his throat. "I'm just um, not gonna question it" he walked away and they shrugged. As soon as Ojiro left his eyes started to tear up. "I can't believe I'm finally talking to you" he leaned forward and buried his face in Gon's shoulder, hugging him tightly.

Gon smiled down at Killua, he was happy to see him too but this was kind of excessive. Well, he had to act like a happy idiot, still don't understand how he did that. Gon messed with his hair until he got it to stick up, if he was seen like this with a 'complete stranger' there would be awkward questions he didn't want to answer. "hey Deadshot? You done with your tal- OH" he glanced up to see a pretty girl with blue eyes and blonde hair. Killua broke the hug and stood up, wiping his eyes. "that was embarrassing" Gon giggled, ruffling his hair. "Baka!" he slapped his hand away, flushing. "hehe" Gon loved to make killua flustered, he was usually cool and collected. "is that who I think it is?" he glanced over at the girl, who was now a few meters from them. Killua grinned at her and Gon frowned slightly. "who's this?" is this Killua's girlfriend? If she is I'm gonna take him and watch her weep.

He grabbed Gon's arm and pushed him forward a bit. "this is Sapphire, she's one of my friends at the casino-" Gon promptly smacked him in the back of the head. "what did I say about gambling?" he snickered and stuck his tongue out, "been doing it for two years!" he sighed, Gon couldn't stop Killua from gambling anymore. "anyways, that didn't answer my question" he narrowed his eyes slightly at her and she smirked. "I'm his best friend, we hang out all the time" Gon frowned deeper, giving her a slight glare. How dare she claim Killua as her best friend! Killua snorted, "she's lying, we only chat a bit between casino games" he blinked. "huh?" she burst out laughing, "I was joking! Your reaction was priceless though" he felt really dumb right now. "your my only real friend and that's a fact " he beamed and gave Killua another hug. "get off!" Killua tried to pry him off but Gon just held on tighter. "never!"

Killua was blushing furiously, trying to get Gon off him. The look on sapphire's face was not helping either. "Gon!" he grumbled for a bit, it took a whole 10 seconds for Gon to let go. "oh!" he took a paper out of his pocket, "I believe this is yours" he flushed as he realized it was the picture he drew. "whatever" he took it and slipped it into his pocket. Suddenly Gon looked him up and down. "what the hell are you wearing? I thought you'd wear something white or blue" Killua snorted, "you don't go to a casino wearing clothes like that" suddenly he got an idea. I'm gonna show off some. He grabbed Gon's hand and started to drag him. "you're coming with me!"

He let go of Gon's hand and put his own behind his head as he walked in, Sapphire and Gon following behind him. "yo Deadshot!" he glanced over to see Gino, he was a regular who usually gambled on Blackjack at Sapphire's table. "need something?" he slipped him 10 bucks, "a thanks for what happened earlier today" and a bribe probably so he doesn't get on my bad side. He took the money and slipped it in his pocket, nodding at him. "Deadshot?" he glanced over at Gon, who had a thoughtful expression. "oh yeah, I'm pretty popular here" he strolled over to his dartboard and Gon gave him a look. "I should have known, you always bragged about how good at darts you were" Killua grinned, grabbing 6, "wanna have a game?"

Sapphire had to leave for some reason, but Gon grabbed three of the darts. "you're going first!" he rolled his eyes, going up first. The tables around them went quiet. Oh right, I always go last so their interested in my change of pattern. "hold on, this is a casino" he glanced back at Gon. "what are we gonna bet on?" he thought for a moment. "a favor, whoever wins gets a favor that the other can't say no to" he shrugged, "alright, don't be disappointed when I win though" he struck three bullseyes and stepped back for Gon. "150" Gon had a very sly expression on his face though. Did he practice? Is he gonna use Nen? Sapphire came up behind him and watched as Gon threw his and it landed in the bullseye. Killua shifted a little, "wait a minute, he has good aim too" Sapphire glanced over at him. "wait, are you worried you might not win?"

Killua fidgeted some more, "Gon's a good shot too, and he's also lucky as hell" he watched as Gon stuck another bullseye. "you watching?" he said over his shoulder. "just get on with it dumbass!" he giggled and threw the last dart, everybody gasped. "160" Gon squealed and ran over to him, beaming. "I did it!" Killua stood there for a few seconds. "damn it Gon" he sighed heavily, then ruffled his hair. "good job dumbass, that was my first loss" he giggled and Killua couldn't help but smile. "now for the 'favor' " Killua didn't like how he said that. Gon glanced around and sighed, "let's go outside first"

He, Sapphire, and Gon were now outside. They had gone behind the casino to prevent snooping from the regulars. "so, what's the favor?" he was really nervous about this, Killua had no clue what he was going to ask. Gon smiled sweetly, "you gotta close your eyes first" he fidgeted, "ok sure?" he closed his eyes and nothing happened for a few seconds. What's he doing? Why the hell did he even want me to close my ey- suddenly he was yanked closer and Gon's lips were on his. Killua's eyes snapped open as Gon held his head in place, the kiss was sweet but firm. Wait, he likes me back? What a roundabout way of confessing. Killua let his eyes close as he enjoyed the moment. When Gon pulled back he flushed, realizing that he did that in a public space. "B-Baka!" he said, covering his face with his hands and looking away. Gon giggled and wrapped his arms around his waist, which only made him freak out more.

"get off me!" Gon let go and made him meet his eyes, "I've wanted to do that for years" Killua blinked. "wait, really?" Gon snorted, "I've had a crush on you since we were 13!" Killua giggled a bit, "where the hell did that come from?" he cleared his throat and then he heard a squeal, "YES!" he blushed furiously at Sapphire, who had a phone in her hands. "fuck off" he said, Gon slapped him. "be nice!" he sighed, "fine" Gon smirked at him. "how does it feel pretending to be the idiot of our class?" he groaned, "it's annoying as hell! How do you pull off the smartest one in the class? You're a dumbass!" he giggled, "that's why I take notes on people" he rolled his eyes, "well at least I'm not a-" Gon suddenly interrupted him. "I've been wondering how you made your electricity yellow?"

He blinked. "it's hard to explain, but it's much worse than my blue electricity." there was a gasp from behind him. "I figured it out!" Sapphire grinned, "your Denki Kaminari" he chuckled, "yes I am" Gon snickered, "I don't know how you can stand being so happy all the time, your personality is Bakugou and Todoroki combined " he flushed in embarrassment. "well- you- you break your bones all the damn time!" he snorted, "I've built up a pretty good pain tolerance, though I still can't compare to you" he smirked, "how does it feel being the crybaby of the class" Gon frowned slightly. "hold on, what are we gonna do now?" Killua paused. "huh?" Gon sighed, "like, do we just quit U.A?" Killua growled, "we can't do that, but I don't really want to keep up my fake personality either" Sapphire tapped him on the shoulder, "didn't you say that your parents forced you to go to a hero school?" Gon blinked. "you've seen them recently?"

1555 words

To be continued...

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