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He spent the next 5 minutes beating the newbie into the pavement, "be careful who you mess with asshole" he laughed as the guy tried to scramble away. The one thing that would never change was how violent we would get when someone threatened his friends. He walked back in with a satisfied smile and made his way back to Sapphire. "damn, you got some blood on your hands" he glanced down, noticing the smear of red on his knuckles "well that guy deserved it" he wiped his hands on a napkin and settled back next to his dartboard, hands behind his head. "I know I usually don't ask questions but..." Killua glanced over at Sapphire, who was looking at him with a question in her eyes. "you can ask something if you want, but don't be sad if I don't answer" he said, giving her a small smile. She never seems so serious, is there an issue?

Sapphire bit her lip a little and glanced around for a second before continuing. "I've noticed that you've changed a little over time, is there a reason why?" he blinked. "have I?" he thought back to what just happened. "well, I guess I'm more excitable today because I just realized that one of my old friends is actually in my class" he felt his eyes start to gleam a little. "I haven't been able to talk to him for years" when he thought about actually talking to him in person he blushed a little. "I kind of changed how I look so I don't know if he'll recognize me though" Sapphire gave him a look. "are you blushing?" he looked away, "absolutely not" she giggled a little and he sighed. "ok fine I may or may not have a crush on him" why were all his secrets getting exposed today?

She grinned, "I always knew you were gay" he blinked, turning to look at her again. "really?" she nodded, "you were never interested in girls. All guys blush at a girl some time if their straight, but even the sexiest ladies don't draw your attention" he shrugged, "ok but now that we've come clean I want to say something" he looked her up and down. "your pretty hot, I didn't say it before because I thought it would come off as flirting" she smiled at him. "well you look pretty good yourself" they talked for a few minutes when the door banged open and a few people with guns walked in. the entire casino started to panic, except one person. Killua grabbed a few darts and grinned, "this'll be interesting" Sapphire gave him a mixed expression and he slipped a hand into his pocket, he always carried his yoyos around.

Killua strolled forward and the room more or less froze, except for the few people who were being forced to hand over money. "you see, this is my casino" he said, flashing his darts at them. "make a bet or get out" he grinned. "before I make you" the 1st guy sneered at him, "what are you gonna do kid?" he pretended to reach into his pocket for a phone. "I could just call the-" his gun fired off and Killua whipped out his yoyo, deflecting the bullet into the ceiling. There was dead silence, "do you want me to get violent?" the other one tried to shoot and he threw a dart right into his stomach, "bullseye!" he crumpled over in pain and the other two started to shoot at him. He deflected every attack with his yoyo and with minimal effort, twirling the dart in his other hand.

Killua waited for them to run out of bullets. When they did, he swung the yoyo wide and caught both of them, wrapping them tightly together. Both men struggled and he put a foot on the third one that was on the floor. "I said bet or get out" he said with a smirk. There were cheers from the people at the casino, but he didn't really listen. You don't just walk out of my casino after coming in with a gun. "b-but how! You can't even use your quirk!" Killua grinned, "the name's Deadshot, now get the fuck out of my casino"

He retrieved his dart and unwrapped the men, who bolted out the door as soon as they got a chance. He then walked back over to his dart board and settled next to it, the games resuming. "holy shit" Sapphire said. He glanced over at her, "well, you did say you went to a fancy hero school" he grinned. "I feel like bragging right now" he lowered his voice a little as he spoke, "I go to U.A, not that you'll believe me but I don't really care" she actually took him seriously though. "really?" he sighed, "yeah, the thing is I don't actually want to be a hero that bad, but I can't get myself expelled because my parents would be furious" he was starting to like his cover story. Sapphire grinned, "can you give me a hint?" Killua smirked, "well, I wear the same contacts I do here at school, you'll figure it out eventually"

She spent a few seconds looking at his eyes, "I'm doing research on this" he chuckled, "but if you figure out who I am, please keep it to yourself" he gave her a serious look. "I spent 2 years trying to keep this secret and I don't trust people easily, so don't backstab me" she nodded. He then ordered himself another Ginshot, but before it got to him there was a series of 3 bangs from the bar. "hell yeah!" he got up and walked over, that was the sign for when Trixy had a new drink for him to try. Trixy had purple hair and looked a bit too young to be a bartender, but she was amazing at her job and had been there since before he started coming.

 Trixy had purple hair and looked a bit too young to be a bartender, but she was amazing at her job and had been there since before he started coming

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"hey Shot!" she was also one of the few people who called him by his nickname. Trixy was currently shaking up a drink and pouring it into a glass, it was a purplish color and smelled kind of like grapes. She added a few ice cubes and slid it over to him. I can't wait! "hey trix, whatcha got for me" he said, picking it up. Trixy beamed at him and started to make another drink for someone who just ordered, her multitasking skills were awesome. "the base is Tequila and it's called the Trix Mix" he smiled a little, she was so childish sometimes and it was adorable. He took a sip first, it tasted pretty good. Definitely grape juice in this, and maybe some wine? I dunno bit it's awesome. He licked his lips then knocked the whole thing back.

"Woah!" she said, "that was mostly Tequila, I wouldn't have done that" he grinned. "it's hella good" Killua set down the glass. "also, I don't know if I've mentioned this but I could probably handle 20 shots of Tequila " she blinked. "is that why you offered to taste test my stuff?" he chuckled, "part of it, you needed someone to do it and I happen to like new things" he paused for a moment as she served a few drinks. "can I have another for Saph?" she nodded, quickly whipping up another drink. "oh, I also got the Ginshot you ordered" she slid it over the table with the Trix Mix and he grabbed them both. "see ya later Trix!" she waved him off and he made his way back to the dartboard.

"damn, this is pretty good" Saph said, sipping the drink. "but you should know that it's mostly Tequila so don't drink too much if you're worried" she snorted, taking another mouthful. "care to play some darts?" he glanced over his shoulder to see a woman with very little cloth covering her body. "sure" he set his glass down and grabbed the darts. "my minimum is 50, go higher if you'd like" she thought for a moment. "I'm willing to bet 1 grand" he whistled, "damn, ok then" he took his money out of his wallet, setting it on the table. She paused for a moment. "if you don't show me the cash, I aint betting" she sighed and laid out her own cash. "let's get started"

He glanced over at Saph, who was currently at her table dealing out blackjack. He handed her the darts and she concentrated for about 10 seconds before throwing each dart. He twirled a dart in his fingers as he strolled forward, "130" he grinned at her, "your pretty good" he glanced back at her, then as soon as he looked back at the board he stuck a bullseye. Killua looked back to see a very impressed expression. "wow, your good for a kid" he grinned. "I'm gonna win me 1 grand" he flicked another, without looking this time. He snickered at the astonished expression on her face. "how the hell?" he turned his back, really feeling like showing off. "they call me Deadshot" he shot his last dart over his shoulder, grinning.

1546 words

To be continued...

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