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Gon woke up in a hospital bed with a gasp. "KILLUA" he sat up, breathing hard wincing slightly at his broken arm. Killua's gone... I let him be taken again. If only I was faster, I might have been able to avoid that myself. He felt his eyes start to water and he suddenly noticed he had an IV tube stuck in his arm. And I pushed myself again. He felt his tears come faster, Gon's legs and arms felt numb. He flopped back over with an empty expression. Who knows what they'll do to him. How far will he go to keep his cover? If they managed to catch him maybe they know a way to kill him as well. Gon lay there so still one might think he was still unconscious, but his eyes were wide open and tears were streaming down his face. "Midoria?" he didn't move, he didn't even look in that direction. Mina took a step inside the room and gasped, then almost ran over to where he was laying down. "Midoria!" he didn't move, but his eyes slowly went in her direction as she peered down at him. A couple other people came in and did the same as well. He saw Kirishima, Ojiro, Jiro, and Sero's faces. They all looked extremely alarmed at his state. "listen" Kirishima said, putting a hand on the bed next to him. "we were in the extra classes when Kaminari started to hyperventilate" that put alarmed expressions on everybody except Mina and Sero's faces. He probably sensed I was in danger and couldn't keep character anymore.

"he seemed to be trying his best to stay put, but after a while he started trying to leave the room" Kirishima continued. Mina nodded and put a hand on his head with a worried expression when he didn't answer. "I tried to hold him back, but he threw me off and we had to have Sato hold him down" Kirishima bit his lip a little, the other students who were there listened in silence. "but then he pulled out a taser and electrocuted himself with it" Mina said, the other two's eyes went wide in shock. Of course he did. "he held it to his arm for a really long time and his electricity started to turn all blue" she ruffled his hair a bit, which only made him cry more because of how much he missed Killua already. "he kept saying something about needing to leave to get to a friend before jumping out the window" he laughed a little, tears still streaming down his face. "he came running o-out of the tree line and shoved me out of the way. He had no way o-of knowing what w-would have happened to him b-but he d-did it anyways" Gon felt Mina help him sit up, and he clutched at the sheets with his uninjured hand. His voice shook and his limbs still felt all numb.

"hey, I'm sure he'll be fi-" Jiro started, but Gon clenched his fists. "but what if he isn't!" he cried, he could feel the tears dripping from his face and onto the sheets and his hands. "w-what if... what if they make him join the villain side somehow" both Mina and Jiro's eyes went wide, "I'm sure he wouldn't" Sero tried to reassure him. "think about it like this, what use would they have for him? He can't control his quirk very well and he's not very smart" he squeezed his eyes shut, a wave of anger overtaking him. "THAT'S NOT TRUE!" he yelled, startling everyone except Mina, who had put a hand on his shoulder. "he's not weak! He's not dumb. He's..." Gon trailed off. He's my best friend, and I love him. But he couldn't say that, he couldn't say how strong he was either. "listen, he was willing to risk his own safety for you. That's why you're here and safe" Mina said softly. His fists shook, Gon really wanted to punch something right now. "well um" Ojiro started, the others turned in his direction. "I don't know the full story, but he wouldn't let a bunch of villains kill him"

His brain started functioning properly again, his limbs started to get feeling and he put a hand to his cheek. "kill him? They couldn't kill him" he said, softly but not a whisper. Why was he even that worried? Sure he might get hurt but Killua was stronger than him, and he could hold his own against multiple villains at once if it came down to it. He felt the shimmer come back to his eyes and all 5 of his classmates seemed to be relieved. Well, Mina still looked worried. "how about you lay back down and-" he wiped his eyes, then to his companion's shock he removed the IV tube. "you need that!" Kirishima tried to get it back on him but he had already healed himself, and his broken arm mostly. It still looked broken and it was all red, but the bone was in the right place and it was mended pretty well. "lay down? No way!" he slid out of the bed and was promptly stopped by Mina putting a hand on his chest. "you can't" she said, and Gon knew she had guessed what he was going to do. Gon bounced a little on his feet, which made the others uneasy. "I'm gonna go get him!" Mina grabbed his arm. "Wait!" he slipped his arm out of her grasp, then dodged as a few other people tried to catch him. "if I leave now thee trail might still be there!"

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