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Gon laughed at him. "did you break your ankle?" he huffed. "no damn clue, it barely hurts though" he giggled. "and you were worried about me breaking something" he shot Gon a glare and stood up, trying his best not to wobble. "oh fuck you" the other two were silent. "wait a moment" he sat and crossed his legs, examining his entire foot area. "I think it's fractured, not broken" Gon bounced over and smiled. "can I try fixing it?" he shrugged. "sure why not" Gon knelt down and removed his shoe, then traced a finger along the line of the broken bone. "Hmmm" Gon released some aura and to his surprise, he could feel it working already. "hey your good at that" Gon smiled and he finished up a few moments later. "I think I did it, how did I do?" Killua stood up, and his eyebrows raised. "how long have you been practicing that?" he thought for a moment. "about a year, did I do good?" he snorted. "did you do good? It sure as hell aint broken anymore!" he slipped his shoe back on and ruffled his hair. "that was impressive" Gon beamed. "really?" then he paused. "wait you just screwed up my hair!" Killua snickered and he dodged as Gon took a swipe. He managed to grab his shoe and slip it on while still dodging. "get back here!" he laughed, and kept dodging. "what the hell?"

They both stopped and looked over at the blue cat lady, who looked very confused. "oh right, can I have my bag?" as soon as he asked that, he noticed it laying up against a tree not too far away. Gon followed him over as he unpacked. "Oh, can I have my fishing rod?" Killua nodded and passed Gon his rod, he pulled out his skateboard and zipped the bag back up. "I'm gonna go catch some birds! I'll be back!" he nodded and jumped on his board, skating around because he missed it. "you two act like children" she muttered. He blinked. "we are children. Also I haven't been able to act like myself in about two years, so I don't give two fucks if it seems childish" there was a pause. "Ah. alright" he swerved a little and jumped, flipping his board before landing again. "I'm kind of curious though, why exactly don't you want your family to find you?" that made him lose focus and wobble, then he kicked the side of the board up. "I- damn it" what should he say? He couldn't think of anything except the truth right now. "GON" he yelled. There was a thump, and then Gon leapt down out of a tree with two birds and a fish. "need something?" he huffed. "what do I say about my family?" Gon blinked. "just say their assassins, you didn't want to be one so its fine right?" there was a gasp and he facepalmed. "I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to ask you"

Gon glanced from him to the cat lady. "what's so bad about it?" he laughed. "maybe the fact that my family kills people?" he pointed out. Gon blinked. "yeah but you don't anymore right?" he sighed. "Gon, you're a dumbass." he nodded. "I know that, but I can't figure out what's so bad about it" he groaned. "your hopeless!" he decided to spell it out for him. "my parents kill people, therefore people think I might kill people. Therefore I might go to jail" Gon blinked a few times. "Ohhh. That makes sense" then he beamed. "last time I remember you killing someone it was... I think it was when that guy kidnapped me. How long ago was that?" Gon you're a dumbass. "I'm done with you, go jump off a roof or something" he giggled. "ok!" then he ran off. "Goddamn it Gon" honestly, he kind of thought it was cute how dumb and oblivious he was sometimes, but occasionally he had moments like this that drove him crazy. "how much longer until the others get here?" there was a sigh. "about four and a half hours" he thought for a moment. "is there anything we can do? Like a lake we could swim in?" Malay pointed in a direction. "about 5 minutes that way there's a small hot spring, there's a bigger one for the class to use when they get here though" perfect. "awesome!"

He went to go find Gon, who was in the middle of jumping off of a tree again. He leapt up and caught him, to which he giggled. "oh hey!" Killua blushed slightly at his bright as all hell smile. "c'mon, let's go. I got something to show you" he made sure to grab his bag on the way, slipping it on his back as he ran. Should be about... there! He came upon a small area with mostly rocks and a small pool of water at the center.

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