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He grabbed his money but she just stood there with her arms crossed. "show me your quirk cancelling bracelet" she snapped. He rolled up his sleeve a little to reveal it, causing her hand to go to her head. "how?" he put his hands behind his head with a smirk. "I never miss" he gave her a wink and she sighed. "how old are you kid?" he blinked. "excuse me?" she looked him in the eye. "how old are you?" he narrowed his eyes at her. Is she trying to flirt with me? "if you're trying to flirt with me, it aint gonna work" she shook her head, "I'm not" by the look on her face she was being serious. "younger than 20, that's all I'm saying" she smiled. "let's talk outside"

He only followed her because he was starting to attract attention, which he didn't like. "so, Deadshot" she said, removing the bracelet. "what's someone like you doing at a casino instead of a hero school? You've got talent" Killua snorted, "if you're trying to recruit me for any reason my answer's no" he made a point of keeping his bracelet on, removing it would show her that he was threatened. And I'm not. She gave him a look, "I have a friend who goes to this casino every other week, I know what you're capable of and I want to invite you to work for me " he put his hands behind his head with a monotone expression. "I already said no"

She put a hand on his shoulder, which he ignored for now. "come on, I can pay you more than you'll win by gambling" he grinned, putting his hands down. "I could probably make a better living if I wanted an actual job, but I like to gamble, I come here every night" she sighed in frustration. "I can give you everything you'd ever want! My father owns a huge company!" he laughed. "the thing I want most in this world, I'm getting tomorrow" assuming my prediction is correct, which it has a 95% chance of being so. "and what may that be?" Killua grinned. "an old friend" he blushed slightly and her eyes narrowed. "you'd give up all that money for a girl?" he laughed again, "who said it was a girl bitch?" she growled a little and he slipped his hands into his pockets. "now, if your trying to seduce me or persuade me it's not going to work"

He was getting tired of this and wanted to stop acting so fucking nice. But if this person was indeed the daughter of a huge company he didn't want her destroying the casino. "now!" he activated En and it took him a split second to register the fact that there were people in the bushes surrounding him. Well shit. He whipped out his yoyos and stepped back, swinging them around. There were all sorts of projectiles and they bounced off his yoyos, except for a water attack that was cut to pieces and turned into regular water. "you got my clothes wet" he snapped. One of the people tried to grab his yoyos, but their arm got cut clean off. He shrieked in pain and retreated. "but you never took off the bracelet!" the woman shouted.

He grinned. "if you rely on your quirk alone, you'd never get anywhere" suddenly the door slammed open and Sapphire came out, probably because he had taken so long. "oh shit" she was about to close the door when someone grabbed her and put a knife to her neck. "Goddamn it" he sighed, lowering his yoyos. "this makes things harder" she looked terrified but he gave her a wink and she paused. "how are you gonna avoid this without your quirk" the guy taunted, "now come work for me or I'll-" Killua snorted, cutting her off. "you think this is gonna stop me?" he slipped his hand into his pocket and pulled out some more darts. "one more step and I'll kill her" he smirked. "I don't need another step" the woman's eyes widened and she shouted, "MOVE" but before he could react he hurled the dart and it stuck him in the neck, causing him to fall back with a scream.

There was dead silence for a few seconds. He then bolted over to grab Sapphire and wrapped an arm around her with another yoyo in his hand. "this has gone on long enough" he slipped off the bracelet and activated Godspeed, before leaping on the top of the building. Sapphire was breathing hard and he let go of her, "stay here, I'll deal with it" he jumped down and then let out a wave of bloodlust, causing them to stop. He grabbed the lady and a dart, holding it to her neck. "how you like that?" she struggled so he had to restrain her with one hand but it still more or less worked. "get the hell away from my casino and I'll release her" they looked to the woman for a moment. "JUST GO!" she shouted, tears coming from her eyes. They ran off and he pulled the dart away from her neck. "this is the 3rd interesting thing that has happened today" he said with a smirk. "now get lost"

He sighed and rubbed his face after she left, "damn" suddenly there was a yelp and he caught Sapphire, who had been trying to climb down the building. He let her down and she stood there for a few moments. "well damn" he laughed for a few seconds before picking his bracelet back up, "that's enough excitement for one night" she looked down at the nearly dead guy. "were you trying to kill him?" he shook his head, "nope, but if he dies I won't exactly be sad" he took the bandage off his hand and wrapped it around the guy's neck. He then scrambled away and Sapphire glanced at his hand. "how the hell did that happen?" he chuckled, "when I realized that my friend was in my class I had a pencil in my hand" she blinked. "I accidently broke it" he admitted, rubbing the back of his head. She laughed at him for a few seconds too long. "oh shut up!"

"your voice sounds familiar" he glanced behind his shoulder to see Ojiro standing behind him. Sapphire fell silent. "well aint that a coincidence" he said, putting his hands over his head with a monotone expression. "wait those eyes" he stiffened a little, hands dropping. "your D-" he snapped his fingers, cutting Ojiro off. "no" he hissed. Sapphire put a hand on his shoulder, "I can leave if that's what you want" he sighed, "thanks Saph" she gave him a thumbs up before leaving. "Denki is that you?" he groaned, "fine, yes, it's me" he crossed his arms. "what the hell are you doing near a casino?" Ojiro blinked. "passing by, why are you near a casino?" he snorted. "why the hell else would I change my look?" his eyes widened. "wait, you gamble?" he grinned, "hell yeah" he felt into his pocket, before realizing his wallet wasn't there. Killua growled, "wait here, I'm gonna go kick someone's ass"

He walked in and used En, only to see that someone he didn't recognize had grabbed his wallet. They happened to be a woman so he walked over and whispered in her ear with a low tone, "why don't we have a chat outside" she blushed and looked up at him. "I would love to" he led her out the door with a very fake smile. As soon as the door closed he snatched her purse. "hey!" Ojiro was running over, looking like he was about to stop him. Killua took out two wallets and handed her the pink one. "this one's yours, this one's mine" he said, slipping it into his pocket. "next time don't steal from strangers" he said, putting his hands behind his head and tilting his head back with a glare. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't know it was yours!" Killua narrowed his eyes, "you've got some nerve stealing from the king" her eyes widened, "wait, you're the infamous Deadshot?" he smirked. "damn right, now get lost" she squealed and ran off, grabbing her bag.

Killua sighed, counting his money and making sure it was all there. "what's this thing about you being 'king'?" he snorted, "I'm the best shot in this casino, got my own named drink and everything" when he looked over at Ojiro he was frowning. "Kaminari, do you want to be a hero?" he sighed. "honestly I'm not that interested, but my parents want me to go to a hero school" he glanced back at the casino. "I feel free here. I don't have to pretend, or get judged, or insulted" he grinned. "I'm famous here! I've got good friends to!" he looked at the dart that was in his hand. "I don't know why I'm even telling you this, but that isn't even my real personality" he sighed. "I have to act all perfect and nice or else I'll end up like some of the pricks at school" when he looked up Ojiro seemed kind of sad. "oh... I'm sorry to hear that" he was about to say something when there was a gasp from behind him. "Killua!"

1555 words

To be continued...

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