Lisa sighs without ever realizing it.

"I mean, she's a doctor. I guess she's scared about not being able to be fair to our family and her job?"

"That's weird, really"

"What do you mean?"

"Unless she's doubting you..."

"Why would she do that?"

"Honey, they're obviously lots of reasons to doubt you. For starters, you're hot"

"And how's that a problem?" Lisa groans.

"Women throw themselves at you, Lisa. Don't act like you don't know it"

"I don't, in fact" Lisa snaps. "My eyes are for Park Chaeyoung, not some random looking chic"

"I guess you have to speak to her" Jisoo suggests. "Like take a moment to discuss about where you're heading. Is this just it or you want something like a marriage?"

"Yeah" Lisa nods. "Maybe you're right. I'll talk to her later"

"Enough about that, where do you want to go after this?"

"I don't know? A walk maybe?"

If anything, Jisoo smirks. "Can we go get some chicken skewers later?"

Lisa rolls her eyes playfully. "Sure, Jisoo. Anything for you"


They drive to the nearest uptown and wearing their masks, they roam around, laughing and spending their money on random stuff like a 10 dollar chicken hat that Jisoo finds attractive.

A few hours after that, Lisa sits back on the couch of her living room, her mind replaying Jisoo's words.

Is she right about Chaeyoung? Is the blonde afraid of commitment?

Lisa doesn't know. In fact she doesn't want to speak for her. Chaeyoung has her own voice and Lisa needs to hear it first before she makes a conclusion. That's what she has always learnt as a lawyer.



Lisa hears a soft, honey - like voice calls for her. She peeks her eyes open, only to fall on her favorite blonde.

"You're home"

Lisa mumbles and Chaeyoung shakes her head tiredly. She quickly tosses off her scrub on the floor and climbs on top of her fianceé, her head is buried in between Lisa's shoulder and neck.

"Now, I'm home"

Lisa smiles sleepily, arms automatically wraps around that blonde's waist.



"You ... Have a nice face"

The Thai mumbles as her fingers tracing the jawline of Chaeyoung's face. The young doctor opens her eyes, albeit sleepily.

"Yes... Yes, I do"

"I mean" Lisa tugs her eyebrows together as her heart races when Chaeyoung reaches for her hand and weaves their fingers as one.

Damn, Lisa. Why do you always have to be an idiot mess in front of her?

"I mean a nice face. You have ... a nice face"

"Thanks ... I think?"

The doctor replies back, eyes still scanning through her panic fianceé.

"Oh my gosh! Please accept my awkward attempts of flirting or I don't know what I'm doing"

Lisa mumbles in panic before Chaeyoung throws her head backwards, laughing heartily.

"Baby" she connects their foreheads, adjusting her breath. "You don't have to impress me further. I'm already yours"

"Just... want to make sure"

Chaeyoung grins. "I'm forever yours"

"Jagiya?" Lisa calls after a moment.

The blonde doesn't reply but Lisa knows she's listening.

"What do you think of ... marriage?"

"Baby" the blonde whines. "Can we sleep? I'm so sleepy"

Lisa takes a deep breath before nodding. "Sure, jagi. Let's sleep"

"Mmm" Chaeyoung hugs her fianceé. "I love you baby"

"I love you too, jagiya"


How's the tea 🍵

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