55.| ᴅᴇᴊᴀ ᴠÚ [1]

Start from the beginning

"I know that, which is why I have a plan."

Yelena narrows her eyes. "And what might that be?"

"Well for starters, we keep them both alive," James replies. "It's going to be all of the US government Vs. Wanda. They're loaded with weapons and when they find her, I'm positive they'll use them. But Wanda is also extremely strong now that she's channeling magic from our rune along with the book. We've got to keep Wanda from killing Ross, and Ross from killing Wanda."

"There's not enough of us for this war."

James makes a face, he shrugs. "Which is why mom and uncle Tony are out of town calling in some old friends to help us out."

Yelena scoffs. "Was I the only one who didn't know about this plan?"

"Well, you've been too busy flirting with Bucky to even ask, so..." James goes to walk away.

"I was not flirting with him!" Yelena exclaims, her voice got high. She then huffs. "Where the hell are you going!?"

"I've got to make a few stops," James says as he picks up his keys. "I've got three friends, in particular, that would be perfect for this battle."


"You'll see..."

Those being his last words to Yelena, he walks out of the front door. First stop: WestView. And you could only guess who James was going to visit. But she was truly the only person who was nearly as strong as Wanda, besides Natasha.

"Howdy ex-neighbor!" Agnes chirps with a bright smile on her face. "What are you doing here? Where's the wife and kids?"

James sighs. "I'm so going to regret this." he places his hand on the side of Agnes's face.

As his hand touches the side of her face, Agnes went from their friendly, nosy, neighbor, to Agatha Harkness. The backstabbing witch.

Agatha groans. "Ugh. My head is pounding." she rubs her temples, she then looks up. Completely surprised to see the man standing above her. "Are you going to kill me?"

James shrugs. "Eh. Not yet." he helps her up from the ground. He inhales sharply. "I need your help."

Agatha stays silent for a moment before she bursts out into laughter. "Oh, my g— how ironic. That is just funny." she wipes a tear from her eye. "Why would I help you?"

James narrows his eyes. "I just brought you back to yourself and freedom. That's why."

"Like I care."

"Oh? Really? Okay." James goes to place his hand back on the side of her face but Agatha freezes his hand in place.

"Don't you dare!" Agatha huffs, her eyes then drift to the man's wounded hand. "Ouch. That must've hurt."

James rolls his eyes. "Do you at least want to hear what I need help with?"

"What I want to know is why you'd want my help in the first place."

"Because part of me feels bad for leaving you looking like an idiot in WestView," James replies, eyeing the witch. "But you then also tried killing me, my wife, and my kids. So really, this is your chance of redemption. Take it or leave it."

"You think I can be redeemed?"

"I think you deserve a chance to try."

Agatha slowly nods, she waves her hand over James's wounds which automatically healed. She then unfreezes him. "What do you need me for?"

And just like that, James had Agatha on his side. The man drops her off at the compound where the others were watching after her. James then makes his way to his next target.

But this one was a little farther. Like Wakanda farther. After a good few hours, James arrived at his next destination. And it was pretty quick to find the person he was looking for.

James slightly smiles, his eyes shined brightly after seeing an old friend. "Vision."

Vision who had been hovering in the air doesn't look at the man just yet. "James, is that you?"

"Well if you looked at me, you'd know."

Still, he doesn't turn.

James sighs. "What are you doing out here? Did they not allow you inside?"

"For the last 5 years, I have stood here floating." Vision says, he looks at a specific part of the ground.

That's when James realized where it was that he had been standing. James looks around, he sees this is where Wanda broke the mind stone. This is where Vision had died.

"I have the memories... but I still don't know who I am." Vision whispers. "I- I stand here trying to figure it out, but I don't know. This is the one thing I do not know." now he looks at James. "Who am I? I have been a voice with no body. A body but not human, and now... it's all memories. I don't know who I am. James, please, what am I?"

The man lets out a shaky breath, he slightly smiles before he speaks. "You're Vision. You're a piece of the mind stone, making us one. You aren't just an android...you are my brother. You've fought by my side since you were created. You've guided me through difficult times. Vision, you're the reason we're all still alive."

Oddly a tear falls from Vision's face. And for the first time in years, Vision lowers himself to the ground again. He walks over to James before pulling him into a hug. James was caught off guard but he took no time to hug him back.

Seeing Vision reminded James of how things were before. It truly did feel good to see him again. Although he no longer looked like himself, he was still the same Vision that James did grow to love like a brother.

James pulls away from the hug, sighing. "I hate that is the reason I came back after so long... but I need a favor, Vis."

Vision tilts his head in confusion. "What might that be?"

"It's Wanda. She's not herself. She's starting a war that won't ever finish." James explains. "I was thinking we'd bring the team back together one more time to put an end to this all. Would you help me?"

"Of course, sir."

James smiles, he throws his arm over Vision's shoulder as he leads him to the car. Now that was 2/3. The last person, well, it wasn't someone you think James would ever ask for help.

But as James said, he needed all the help he could get. And out of everyone back at the compound...

This woman was the only one who could truly help them out.

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Random q&a: Who do you think this mysterious woman, that James needs is?

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