Chapter 13- Alone

Start from the beginning

I sit up on the bed in a flash and stare at the older lady with my mouth wide open, while she continues to make remarks on the men.

I couldn't agree more.

She has gorgeous shiny chocolate brown hair that is tied back in a bun and a silver bobby pin decorates the dark strands. The lady is standing with her head held high but with a small smile on her face, which makes her look friendly and not fake at all.

Something I don't see on many people's faces.

Everyone is just fake and doesn't have a truthful bone in their body and someday you get just used to their façade. The most important thing is to not forget what's really under it.

An ugly creature or a broken soul.

You can just hope that it's the first one because I believe that you can make something ugly pretty but can you heal someone who is so broken that he has to hide the truth from the entire world, even from himself?

I don't think so.

I snap out of my thoughts and travel my gaze over the lady again.

Her arms hold a breakfast tray that is larger than her whole torso. The woman is relatively short and wears a typical housemaid's uniform that fits perfectly around her curvy body.

A huge grin starts to spread over my face as she stops talking.

I already like her.

"You are right. I am sorry and, in the future, I will let all my anger out on the men and not on you.", I say, my grin getting huger and so does hers as the words come out of my mouth.

Without saying anything else, she walks closer to my bed and places the tray on the gray bench that is attached to the end of the bed. Then she rounds it and walks towards me. The maid asks me with a small gesture if she can sit on the bed.

I nod and as soon as the lady sits down on the edge of the bed she starts talking again.

"So, I think I should start by introducing myself. I'm Zuzanna Poźniak but you can call me Anna. I am also your main maid for the time you are here and if you are pleased with my work which I hope, it will stay this way and I will come with you to Italy.

You haven't met me before because Mr. Calvetti was so kind to give me in addition to my vacation days some time off so that I could go to Poland with my family. I am here for everything, and no wish is too big or laborious. You can call me anytime of the day to ask for anything. My dear, the boss wanted the best maid for you and that's why I am here.", she says, introducing herself.

I smile at her as I realize that I really was right. She is Polish and absolutely amazing.

"I thought this journey and the changes that are coming your way would be exhausting for you, so I suggest that today you will be looked after by my people in such a way that you can really relax.  If you don't have any questions for me right now, I would let you have breakfast in peace so that you can start the day with a morning bath and a massage afterwards, before you really begin with the beauty program.", she says, smiling broadly at me and I can hear the excitement in her voice.

"Of course, only if you feel comfortable with doing this.", she adds.

"Yes, that sounds amazing.", I answer.

Anna stands up and walks to the end of the bed to get the tablet. She brings it to me, and I take it from her hands with a nod and a thankful smile.

"Oh, before I forget, I wanted to ask you what music you like to listen to while you are taking your bath? Any wishes?", she asks, as she was just about to walk out of the door.

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