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I woke up before everyone and packed the car . I also had to brief my guards on who to let into the house . I only have a few things that need to be done so i'll have some of the boys do it .

Greg and Mason were up but Sophia was still asleep . We're meant to be leaving in 30 minutes .

" Is Sophia up ?"

Mason shook his head .
" Go wake her ."

I was up the stairs and on my way to her room when i realised . I don't know how .
Usually i'd kiss her cheek or shoulder or stroke her hair .

How do you wake someone up ?

Her door was open . So i just lightly knocked .

" Hey we're leaving in 30 minutes ok ?"

" I just have to shower i'll be quick promise ."

I forgot how much i loved her morning voice . I picked up the bag she packed and brought it downstairs to the car . I'm taking the range rover because we need the space .

When everyone was ready we all headed to the car . We got in , Greg and Sophia in the back and Mason sat up front with me .

" Ok before we go i wanna say i'm sorry about everything that happened and hope we can put it behind us . I also wanna say no work talk will be tolerated . We are four normal people going on a normal holiday ."

She always comes up the the weirdest things to say . I like the idea of no work talk though.

" I don't care as long as Mason doesn't pick the music ."

Greg lied back on his seat ready to sleep . He's always tired .

" Ok since we're four normal people i'm going through a breakup right now . Ace you too, so we're listening to a breakup music playlist  . Apparently that's what normal teenage girls do ."

She connected her phone and i started driving . The first few songs were Taylor Swift . Mason knew every single word and Sophia knew most of them .

They sang their hearts out . I wasn't paying attention to Mason though. Every red light or when i could i was glancing back at Sophia or looking at her in the mirror .

I like seeing her loose and having fun .

We were nearly there and we were listening to calmer songs . Then one came on that i recognised .

It was called ' I Found ' according to my car .

" The birth control i'm on makes me really emotional oh god . If i cry i'll have to kill you all ."

They both belted out every word .

" I found love where is wasn't supposed to be , right i'm front of me .."
Mason belted it out .

Sophias hand was on Masons seat so she could sit closer to Mason and she had a tear rolling down her cheek . It was a red light so i turned around and wiped it .

" Oh god this is only the first one on the list ."

" First what ?"

" I'm a teenager and normal people don't pull out a gun at their ex so i'm doing things on this list of what to do after a breakup ."

We got to the house and all went upstairs.

" There's two bedrooms . So we're gonna have to pair up ."

Usually Sophia would be with me no question but now we all just looked at each other .

" I'll take Sophia ." Mason ruining my life day nine thousand.

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