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• Ace

"... when in reality i wasn't ."
I had no words .

" I don't wanna hear how sorry you are or how it shouldn't have happened, it did and nothing will change that . I drink to forget . That's why when i get nightmares i'm usually saying no ."

I didn't say anything i just i just pulled Sophia into a hug . She stiffened before relaxing a little .She broke away after a second .

" I would never let anything like that happen to you . I'm sorry i questioned your drinking ."

" You're so like caring . Everyone makes you out to be this cold horrible person and i can't figure out why ."

" Maybe i slept with their mom or sister or something."

She laughed and stood up getting a hoodie from the bag she brought and putting it on . I got into bed after taking off my shirt but i left my sweatpants on .

She climbed in and lied down beside me . I waited til she was asleep and then i pulled her closer to me and fell asleep shortly after .

I woke up the next morning and Sophia was still in my arms fast asleep . Ever since she told me i can't stop picturing 14 year old her battling with this .

She's always so happy and upbeat i never would have guessed she was struggling . I looked down at her sleeping , she looked so peaceful almost innocent .

You would never guess that she's an assassin and a good one at that .

She woke up after a while and went to take a shower . I went downstairs and made breakfast so she could eat in bed and watch tv .

" Wow i'm really living the dream ."

" It's just eggs keep it in your pants ."

We both ate and watched tv for a couple hours .
It was nearing 2 pm and i was so sick of watching tv so i grabbed shoes for both of us and threw them in front of Sophia .

" Can i help you ?"

" Outside let's go i wanna teach you how to play football . I'm sure there's one around here somewhere."

" What makes you assume i've never played ."

She stood up on the bed so she was my height .

" Well you probably play like a girl anyway ."

I knew this would get to her .

" Oh yeah ?"

" Yeah ."
Before she could make another smart comment i grabbed her by the waist and threw her over my shoulder.

" Ace put me down ."

" This is more fun ."

I walked out into the backyard and had walls up all around the perimeter and set her down .

" Oh this is perfect no one can see us ."

She was faced away from me and i walked up and placed my hands on her ass .

" If they could you wouldn't be playing in those shorts which by the way are making it very hard for me not to fuck you right here right now ."

" Ace that mouth needs to be washed out with soap and water."

She took the ball out of my hands and ran . The grass stretched quite far back so i still had a chance . I was genuinely trying but she was fast .She just about made it and touched down the ball .

" Ok this end is yours other is mine i don't actually know any rules we used to make our own up."

" Luckily i played in high school ."

sophia Where stories live. Discover now