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• sophia

I woke up needing to throw up . Which wasn't ideal because Ace was pinning me to the bed with his arm . I shoved him away and ran to the bathroom .

He obviously heard me and got up. I had thrown up a couple times and was now sitting against the bathroom wall .

" Again , lightweight ".

I rinsed my mouth and washed my hands before going to leave Aces room . I forgot i had his shirt on so i took it off and threw it on his bed .

" Don't wake Mason he'll kill you ".

" But the AC is back on i'll freeze ".

He picked up a hoodie off the ground and threw it at me . I pulled it on and started walking downstairs . Ace was just in front of  me and we were near the bottom when i missed a step and fell onto him . He helped me up and i was bent over laughing .

" Seriously Ace couldn't make it one night without fucking the new girl ".

Greg was sat at the table and i looked down at how this looks .

We were in the same bed , got up at the same time , i happened to be gripping onto him because i fell but Greg didn't see me fall , i was wearing his hoodie and it looked like nothing else because it cornered my shorts and obviously it's something Ace regularly does .

" Obviously not she wouldn't be walking if i 
did ".

I nearly stopped breathing for a second .

" And that would be illegal ".

I walked over to where breakfast was set out and noticed everyone looked confused .

" What ?"
Ace walked towards me eyeing me up .

" What age exactly are you Sofia ".

" I'm seventeen ."

His face dropped and he clearly wasn't expecting that .

" That's impossible i've been hearing about you for years you don't look seventeen either ".

He eyed me up again before sitting at the table .

" I've been working from a very young age my first job i had just turned thirteen, and i'm just taking a wild guess here all these years the one thing you never heard about or could figure out was my age right ?"

Greg nodded and Ace just continued to stare .

" It's like that for a reason ".

Mason woke up a while after we had finished breakfast. The boys all went training leaving me by myself with Ace in the house. It was big though so i hadn't ran into him yet .

All morning i had been looking for my phone and i couldn't find it . I realised that it must still be in Aces bed . I doubted he was in there so i just walked in .

I heard his shower turn off so i quickly grabbed it but it was to late he walked out with a towel hung low on his waist . His abs were defined and his broad shoulders were glistening with water dropping from jet black hair .

" I was just grabbing my phone ". 

He didn't answer he just walked towards the bed side table beside me to grab his own .

I was about to leave when i remembered his hoodie . I took it off and left it on the bed before turning around to leave. I didn't realise Ace was right behind me so our faces were now inches apart again.

" Excuse me ".

" You're excused ". He could just move and be normal .

" The boys are back and they wanna go for a swim , meet us downstairs. I still don't trust you by yourself in the house ".

sophia Where stories live. Discover now