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• Ace

I got dressed and headed down the hall after waiting for Mason to leave . I knocked on Sophias door but got no answer.

When i walked in she was sitting at her vanity brushing her hair . It was dark brown .
I mean not that i care ..

I stood there like an idiot watching her until she turned around and saw me . Clearly i frightened her because she dropped some type of hair tool on her leg .

She screamed and quickly brushed it off her leg and i ran over to her .I dragged her into the bathroom .

" What the fuck do i do ?"

" Get in the bath !"

I let it run for a second until she started shaking from the cold . I lifted her up and brought her to her bed placing her beside me .

Sophias thigh was bright red and she was holding her breath trying to get through the pain .

" I'm so sorry Soph i didn't mean to frighten you shit ."

" Mason and Greg are gone what are we gonna do ?"

" I will fix you up just stay here for a second ."

I ran and grabbed the first aid kit and knelt down in front of Sophia . I wiped the burn before wrapping it . I also got her painkillers to take . After a couple minutes she got up and walked over to her vanity to clean up a bit .

" It's just a curling iron burn i'm ok don't worry ."

I walked over behind her and saw that she was looking at herself kinda critically. I don't get why she does this it's not the first time i've seen her do it .

I've been with a lot of girls and i don't think any even compare to Sophia not just cause she's clearly stunning but she's also such a good person and she's funny and she's a lot of fun.

I'm not like obsessed or anything though.

" You hungry ?"

" Am i guess not really though ."
She was still staring at herself .

" Come downstairs and i'll find something to make you and the boys ."

" You're like our dad ."
She started laughing at her own joke as usual .

We walked down to the kitchen and the conversation switched somehow to weird things we've done on jobs .

I made eggs and toast and we were eating when Mason came downstairs so i plated him up some .

" I'm gonna go sit down with my new injury courtesy of Mr. De Luca right here ."

" Anytime , i'm here all week ."

She walked away laughing and then someone hit my shoulder.

" Mason you have five seconds to explain why you did that ."

" Ok first you two had sex , again . Now she's laughing at stuff you say come on Ace you like her ."

" First of all we didn't have sex again -"

" She was in your room all night ."

I looked to make sure she couldn't hear us .

" She was freaking out in her sleep , nightmares i guess so she slept in my room what's the big deal ?"

" Ace you bring your hook ups to the spare room and even then you don't stay with them after . Yet Sophia slept in your room and you didn't mind ."

" She's apart of our squad now so no i don't mind . Next time you have nightmares you can jump in my bed to you jealous man child ."

I patted his shoulder and was about to leave when i remembered what he said .

sophia Where stories live. Discover now