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• Sophia

I spent most the day in bed watching tv . I need to rest because we're behind at work and i'm pretty beaten up right now . I heard shouting downstairs so i hired up the tv . Then i heard a gun .

I paused the tv , the silence was excruciating, i heard Greg come upstairs and he knocked before coming into my room .

" What's going on down there ?"

He sat beside me on my bed handing me food he brought up .

" Ace having one of his tantrums ."

" About ?"

"Some guy that works for him messed up a shipment of bullets and shit like that . He's pretty stressed ."

" Oh ."

" I know you don't wanna talk about uh what happened and i know you're kinda closer with Mason but if you did wanna talk i'm here ."

" Thanks Greg i really appreciate that ."

He got up and left . After a couple hours i got hungry so i went downstairs. I was in so much pain ,so seeing some blonde bitch sitting on the counter talking to Ace really got me going .

I just walked passed to the cupboard grabbing chips and eating a few . The girl hopped down and walked over to me .

" Hey Sophia ."

Who the fuck is this girl . Shit do i know her and just forgotten her name ? She didn't look familiar.

" Have we met ?"

" Oh no but Mason has told me so much about you . Are you ok you don't look too good ."

So this bitch doesn't look like she can solve two plus two yet is standing here criticising me . Not happening.

" Actually i was held hostage , and drugged . So if you don't need anything please feel free to get out of my way ."

She made a face before walking back over to Ace who had a bottle of whiskey in front of him . He was signing something and Greg was shuffling papers .

Becca walked over and took the whiskey bottle .

" Ace come catch me ."

Well this will be a fun little game ...
Ace didn't look impressed and gave her a look .

" Hey Becca just give it back he's not in the mood ."Mason wasn't convincing enough.

" No i want him to come get it ."

He stood up giving in but before he could take a step i grabbed the bottle from her hand and took a nice long drink . God was she annoying .

" Problem solved ."

I lied down on the couch closing my eyes . That's when it started talking again .

" Ace how tall are you . I'm like literally 5' i'm so small compared to you ."

I couldn't keep it in . I sat up and put a smile on my face .

" Hey Becca!"

She smiled and looked towards me .

" Ya ?" I dropped my face looking her dead in the eyes .

" Shut the fuck up ."

I lied back down closing my eyes again .
Ace and Mason sat on the couch across from me and Greg sat beside me plopping my feet onto his lap .

Becca sat on the arm beside Ace practically throwing herself at him . Ace was watching Greg and wasn't happy .

"Hey Greg ,watch those hands ."

sophia Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя