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• Ace
I watched Sophia walk into the hall on her phone . She was watching suits , from what i've gathered it's a show about lawyers .

She came back a few minutes later but she looked different. She was kinda shaky .

" Hey are you ok ?"

She looked at me breaking out of the trance she seemed to be in . She sat down and i moved closer to her putting the blanket around her shoulders .

" Ya i'm fine just don't feel good ."

I wrapped my arm around her and this time she didn't pull away . I planted a gentle kiss on her forehead and she smiled but she still looked worried .

Maybe it's just cause she's sick . I must have fallen asleep because i woke up to no one next to me on the couch . There was a note on the table in front of me .

gone to run errands with mason back soon -

I went to my office because i had work to catch up on . Greg was out at the warehouses dealing with shipment problems so it was just me .

After a while i heard Mason come in and go upstairs. I walked out just as he was reaching the top .

" Hey where's Sophia ?"

He looked at me with a confused look .

" I've been gone all day i don't know ."

" What do you mean , she was with you ."

My heart started to go quicker and i read the note again to make sure i understood it the first time . It said she was with Mason .

My phone started ringing and it was Sophia . I stopped panicking and answered it .

" Hey where are you ?"

That's when i heard screaming in the background, someone saying 'get off me' they screamed again and i knew it was Sophia .

" Ace , old friend nice to hear from you . I've met Sophia great girl . Feisty."

" Mark why the fuck do you have her . Where are you ."

" She came to me . All i had to do was threaten someone she loves  dearly ."

" I'll do anything just let her go."

"I'll send you the address you come alone tomorrow with 500k and you can have your little toy back . I'll try not to have too much fun with her ."

My blood was racing . I was burning up with anger .I heard more screams .

" No i'm coming today ."

I could hear Sophia screaming 'don't come Ace no ' then she went silent .

" What are you doing to her ?"

" Come tomorrow." Mark hung up the phone and i threw it across the room smashing it to pieces .

How could i be so stupid . Why would she go alone and not tell me .
What's done is done . I just need her back .

I took a few deep breaths trying to calm myself while i felt like my whole world was falling apart . If it had been anyone else i would have just paid it and got over myself but Sophia is so different.

I've never felt this way towards anyone . I have an attachment to her i'm obsessive over her and she's mine . I don't care that she says that 'seeing where things go ' bullshit , she's mine . And i don't like sharing what's mine .

I organised the cash and then went for a run trying to clear my head . I didn't eat dinner i felt physically sick . I laid in bed and all i could think about was how empty i felt now that she wasn't lying beside me . I'm so dependent on her .

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