
872 10 0

• ace

Sophia stormed upstairs and came back a minute later with my phone . She threw it over the railing and it smashed on the floor .

" Please just talk to me !"

" Kill yourself !"

I sat on the couch and waited . A couple minutes later she came down the stairs with her plate . She was no where near the counter and she dropped it to the ground .

" Whoops ."

I walked over and she moved back . This continued til she sat on the couch.

" I didn't sleep with her ."

" What happened then . And don't you dare feed me bullshit ."

" She came over looking for Mason . I was really drunk ."

" Being drunk means nothing to me fyi . Drunk words are sober thoughts remember."

" She came here . I was alone . She had taken a taxi . It was really late so i said she could crash here ."

" And ?"

" She went upstairs and i was getting my phone . I decided to sleep in your bed . You had been gone a week ."

" Get to it ."

" We kissed . Nothing else happened."

" Once ?"

" Just once . She kissed me , I told her i couldn't and left . She was gone when i woke up ."

" Why was her top under your bed ?"

" You don't believe me do you ."

" Answer the question."

" She took a t-shirt off Masons bed . Must have left her top in my room ."

" Did you do it out of spite ?"

" No ."

" Well you knew that would really get to me . And you felt the need to lie about it."

" I'm sorry ok . It just happened."

" And you didn't tell me . I said no more lying , no more drama . This is too hard Ace !"

" I swear i would have told you but i had just got you back . Then we went down to the beach house and you were so happy ."

" Ya . I was . I was happy . And of course you've ruined it ."

She got up and started pacing . She's worked up . Like really worked up .

" I need space ."

And then she left . I heard her and Mason go into the gym . I fell back onto the couch . Why do i always fuck things up .

They came out like two hours later . She showered . I went upstairs just as she went into Masons room .

" It's not even the kiss part i'm mad about . We weren't together, it's who he kissed . She made me feel like shit . I mean clearly he's attracted to her if he kissed her , right ?"

" I-"

" He wouldn't have done it if he didn't find her attractive, right ?"

" I-"

" Mason i need help ."

She finally let him speak .

sophia Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ