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• Ace

I walked out of my room in my usual black jeans and black hoodie . I try to dress more casual when i'm not at work . I was on my phone when i bumped into Sophia .

I looked up and saw what she was wearing . It was a tight silk dress , she had pulled her hair back and she was wearing eyeliner . It was going to be a long night .

I grabbed her arm and pulled her into my room closing the door and pushing her against it .

" Knew this outfit would get a rise out of you ."

" You're evil ." I couldn't help but look at her tits the dress made them look so perfect i just wanted to rip it off her .

I put out my hands to pull her closer to me but she stopped me .

" No no no Ace . No touchy .For you at least ."

For me ?

" Not for me ?I think you mean only for me right ?"

" Nope ." She opened the door and strutted down the hallway .

My legs involuntarily followed her closely . I was her shadow basically. We walked downstairs and the boys were ready in the kitchen .

" Ok let's go ."

" Sophia that dress -"

" Mason choose your words very wisely."

Sophia rolled her eyes and walked outside .
We all followed . Greg got into the back of my car and Mason sat in the front seat . I pulled him out .

" But i always sit in your front seat ."

" Don't be such a baby ."

He sat into the back and Sophia sat in the front .I got in the drivers side and started the car .

Sophias dress was moving up her thighs because she was sitting . It was already too short for my liking .

We got to the club and i parked my car close to the entrance . The boys got out and i went round to Sophias door and opened it .

I held out my hand but she didn't take it . The second she stepped out of the car all eyes were on her . I think she liked it that way .

There was boys outside smoking so i grabbed Sophias hand and interlocked our fingers .

She didn't resist me instead she pulled me along to the bar . I stood behind her with my hands on her waist . Why was she letting me do this ?

Then i found out why .

" Yes hi can i get a vodka cranberry and could you put that on a tab for me ? Name Ace Zurolo here's the card thank you ."
Fake name . Nice .

Guess i'm paying tonight.

She led me out into the dance floor .

" Cute stunt you pulled there ."

She just winked at me and threw her drink back with no hesitation.

It was crowded on the dance floor but i still spotted both Greg and Mason with girls . The music was really loud and we were surrounded by people.

Sophias dress was riding up her thighs again and there were boys all around her enjoying the view of her dancing .

I pulled her hips back into me and placed my hands on her waist moving to the music like she had been . Her hand reached back and she tangled her hand in my hair tugging slightly .

We stayed dancing as more and more songs came on . She was purposely rubbing herself up against me and i wasn't complaining.

Mason came back over with a drink for me and downed his own .

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