ORD-130 Cartoon Cat

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Item #: ORD-130

Clearance Level: 4

Object Class: Keter

Risk Evaluation: Code Red

Status: Active

Optimal Running Directions: If anyone should come into contact with ORD-130, they must follow the laws of cartoon physics, as it apparently follows cartoon logic, including gravity, the tunnel trick, and [REDACTED]. Acetone can be used to erase pieces of ORD-130, as can an escalator.

And even if said person does escape, for every vengeance, there is an equal and opposite revengeance.

Agent Furret has been shown as immune to ORD-130's anomalous effects, though it is still unknown why.

Description: ORD-130, otherwise known as Cartoon Cat, is the most [DATA EXPUNGED] of all the [DATA EXPUNGED]. It appears as a 1930s era cartoon cat. ORD-130's abilities include shapeshifting, usually into objects, and restricting vision with a form of ink. ORD-130's limbs can stretch to impossible lengths.

It is often found in abandoned underground areas, and is incredibly cruel. Its origin can be traced back to 1939.

Though it normally appears as a cartoon cat, it has been theorized it can take the shape of any cartoon character (holy shit imagine if Spongebob or Homer Simpson tries to attack you).

As a final note, ORD-130 is affected by the viewer's perception. If you perceive it as something, it becomes that something.

Notable Incidents

Incident #███

Three people encountered ORD-130 in an abandoned shopping mall. A small mouse named Brucko was the first victim in this incident. Only one person managed to escape. [REDACTED] managed to find field agent Diane, who reported the incident back to the ORD Organization.

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