42: Forbidden Forest

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Chilly POV

Now we are here in the fighting hall, We still need to train and I'm with Cheska. The air in here are something weird and you can feel something too. Yesterday Strip and I talk about what the hell is he doing here.

He said that he was bored because I was gone and went to the academy. So when he heard the news he grab the opportunities to join and he didn't expect that he will pass. He never tell his family about that. They knew when they saw a paper when his brother saw it. So he explain it after that his family cry--and they didn't want to Strip  go but Strip said that he will gonna be fine. Even Tita and Mama knows it he said to me that after he said it to his family he went to our house and tell my tita and mama about him going here in the academy.

They both shock  and worried about that. I could hide my laugh when he tell me about they faces but I know that they are worried to and Strip is like my brother and he is like a son to my mama and tita. I was worried about him too kaya pala minsan ko lang siya makita noong Christmas vacation. I miss my best friend ever since pumasok ako sa academy si Mavis ang naging best friend ko but Strip is different since mag kakilala kami simula bata pa. After we talk about that, I introduced him to my friend. They all get along well except for the this two--Mavis and Jaries. Mavis said that she is my only best friend and Strip said that he is the first and only. So they fight and about Jaries he was just jealous. I was back to my sense when I felt I was flying.

"Focus!!" Cheska said.

I was about to attack when Sir Louis called us.

"Now we are going to the forest." Sir. Louis said. 

We all stop what we are doing and we all look at Sir Louis who is standing and looking at us nd all the students are whispering and gossiping. One of the student raise his hand.

"What are we going to there sir?" He ask.

"We have a permission that some of you are gonna find in the forest it is base in the given item to you." Sir Louis said.

"What do you mean sir?" A girl ask.

"Miss Lara gave me this paper it is her assignment to you since she is busy." Sir said and all the student shout in joy.

Now we are walking to the forest I'm with Wendy, Lucia and Mavis since Sir Louis is right some of the given are in here the forest and some are in the academy. This forest is forbidden it says that this was the dark user hide out before but when the academy know about that they attack it and most of dark user died and the academy win. Now no one knows where the dark user hide out.

"This list make me sick." Mavis said looking at the list.

"Why?" I ask.

"I bet some of it are not here in the forbidden forest." She says and rolled her eyes.

"But you know I'm curios of this forest." Wendy said.

"What you are curious?" I ask.

"You know this is the hide out of the dark user before." she said and look around.

"Yeah and it is kinda creepy and I don't know what Miss Lara is thinking." Mavis said.

"You know what let's explore this forest." Wendy said and look at us.

"Explore? do you know it is dangerous specially it is forbidden." Mavis said and look around.

"Yeah Mavis is right. What if dark user just show up." I ask and I also look around.

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