12: How To Take Your Neighbor To Lunch

Start from the beginning

Gon shook his head, trying to rid himself of Retz-centered thoughts. Not that she ever completely left his mind. "Anyways, Sam, just the regular for me. And Killua?" He said, turning his attention to Killua.

"I'll take a grilled mac-n-cheese sandwich," He said, walking over to Gon and slapping his hand on his shoulder. "And this one is paying."

Gon sighed. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. My bank account is crying right now," He groaned, rubbing his shoulder.

Killua shrugged. "Better yours than mine."

Gon walked over to the cash register, grumbling to himself about being a broke college student, pulling out a twenty from his wallet. Sam took his money, letting out a small laugh. "Hmm, what is it, Sam?" Gon asked, cocking his head to the side. Sam gave him a small smile and took his money before nodding his head in Killua's direction.

"I like that one," He said simply, putting Gon's cash in the register and getting his change. Gon turned his head to look at Killua, who was studying old pictures of the store's grand opening on the wall. A smile crept its way onto his face.

"Yeah, I do too," He mumbled under his breath, quiet enough to escape Sam's outdated hearing. 

"Go sit down. I'll bring you two your food in a moment," He said, walking off to the backroom to make Killua and Gon's food.

"Hey, Killua, where do you wanna sit?" Gon called, prying Killua's attention away from the old pictures. He glanced around the store, his eyes lingering on a table near the door. He pointed to it.

"That one?" Killua asked, walking over to it. It was a small square table, four chairs parked at its sides. One leg chair leg was a little smaller than the others, making it a wobbling mess. Of course, you couldn't tell from afar, but Gon knew this from experience.

"Guys, please. Be nice, and don't say anything embarrassing or stuff that'll scare her away!" Gon pleaded, pulling at his raven strands of hair. He was a complete and utter wreck.

Leorio laughed at him, slinging an arm around Kurapika. "Chill out, dude! When have we ever embarrassed you?" He asked. Gon stared at him blankly, trying to pick from the many examples he had.

"Gon, we're both well aware of how much this means to you- of how much she means to you. We won't do or say anything to jeopardize your relationship," Kurapika assured him. Gon looked between the two, still uneasy. "Plus, I trained Leorio in what to say last night."

Gon was finally able to let out the breath he was holding. "Thanks, Kurapika," He sighed. He felt a little better knowing Leorio was conversation-trained.

"Trained?! I'm not a damn dog!" Leorio whined, earning doubtful looks from the other two.

The door opened, indicating its movement with its signature bell. Retz walked in, her mien lighter than air. She looked around the room, searching for her boyfriend and his roommates. Her gaze landed on them, and she started walking towards the group with a kind smile on her face.

"Hi! You must be Kurapika and Leorio. I'm Retz. It's so nice to finally meet you both. Gon's told me so much about you," She greeted, sitting next to Gon in the open seat next to him. She reached to hold his hand under the table, sending electricity through his arm and down his spine.

"Retz, it's so nice to finally put a face to the name. Gon won't shut up about you," Kurapika said through a courteous smile. Leorio nodded his head, almost violently agreeing with Kurapika's statement.

Retz turned her head to Gon with a smirk. "Oh, is that so?" She teased. Gon looked at Kurapika with murder on his mind. He laid his forehead on the table, dying from embarrassment.

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