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Quackity smiled as he walked around the venue. Tall quartz pillars held up lines of birch leaves and vines, casting dappled shadows on the ground.

"It's beautiful." Sapnap laughed lightly as he walked around.

"Thanks!" Foolish said, jumping around the place, "I'm glad Tommy agreed to let us build on the holy land!"

Bad nodded, placing a few more leaves and vines around, "I wasn't expecting so much cooperation from him!"

Karl laughed, "it's cause Ranboo paid him off in totems."

"What?" Quackity turned to his fiance with a laugh.

Karl nodded, "yeah, apparently it cost him ten totems."

"Ten!?" Foolish yelled, "how many did Ranboo have!?"

"Forty!" Karl laughed.

"Forty!?" Quackity gaped, "oh my god! He's basically immortal!"

"How the heck did he even get so many!?" Sapnap smiled.

"He probably worked hard to find them." Bad said, "he's a very dedicated young man."

Foolish nodded, "anyway, how are you three feeling? Today's the day!"

Sapnap chuckled, slinging an arm around Karl and pulling Quackity close, "I'm excited!"

Quackity leaned his head on Sapnap's shoulder, "I'm just glad that, even though I'm staying in Las Nevadas, we're still going to be together."

"Awe!" Karl reached out and hugged Quackity, "now whenever I see our rings, I'll always remember you."

Bad awed loudly, "oh my goodness, that's so cute!"

Sapnap smiled, "how much longer until people start arriving?"

"We already are!" Puffy laughed, walking in wearing a beautiful sky blue dress.

Skeppy followed behind her, walking straight over to Bad to help with final preparations.

"Wait actually!?" Karl asked.

"No!" Puffy shook her head, shooing the three out of the main space "but they will be arriving soon! So go get ready! Go!"

"Okay! Okay!" Sapnap dragged the other two back to where they were supposed to get ready.

On their way out, they passed Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, And Michael.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to bring Michael?" Ranboo asked, holding his son a little tighter.

"Relax!" Tommy smiled, "it's the holy lands! No one's gonna kill him!"

Tubbo nodded, flashing a sword, "and if someone tries..."

Michael squirmed out of Ranboo's arms, running over to Foolish and giving him a greeting squeak.

Foolish smiled brightly as the zombified piglin, "hi Michael! You enjoying time out of the house?"

Michael nodded, his ear flopping on his head. Ranboo and Tubbo walked up behind him, starting to engage on conversation with the builder.

Tommy hung back in a corner, smiling softly at his friends. Puffy came up beside him.

"It's been a wild time, huh?" Puffy said.

Tommy nodded, "yeah."

"I think this new start is going to be good for all of us." Puff smiled, "especially since I convinced Jack to give you back your hotel."

"What!?" Tommy gasped, "oh my-! Puffy! Thank you!"

Puffy laughed as Tommy hugged her, "you said my name!"

Phil, Techno, Wilbur, and Friend walked in. Techno grumbled, looking a little nicer than he usually did. Wilbur had a blue scarf around his neck, a small gold bell embroidered on it to batch Friends bell.

Jack and Niki followed soon after. Niki paused when she saw Wilbur, but she took a deep breath and put on a smile. She whispered something to Jack and both of them walked over to Phil, Techno, Wilbur, and Friend.

Soon, Dream and George walked in, going over to say hello to Bad. Gradually, everyone started showing up. Sam and Ponk. Fundy, Purpled, and Charlie. Callahan, Connereatspants, Antfrost, Punz, Hannah. Eret showed up in a fabulous strawberry dress. Even Hbomb and Lazarbeam showed up.

The room filled with chatter. For the first time in a long while, everything was peaceful.

Eventually, Wilbur and Friend went up on the stage.

"Um, Hello everyone!" Wilbur smiled, "apparently I officiated another wedding, so they put me in charge of this one!"

This caused laughter from the crowd.

"But without further adieu!" Wilbur gestured toward the doors, where Sapnap, Karl, and Quackity started walking down the isle.

Tommy put mellohi into the jukebox next to him as they stepped inside. Sapnap wore a black suit, contrasting Karl who wore a white one. Quackity was wearing a suit that was partially black, partially white suit.

"Stealing my brand." Ranboo whispered to Tubbo, shaking his head with a small smile.

The three men walked up to the alter, each smiling ear to ear.

"Friends, families, furries." Wilbur nodded to Fundy, "we are gathered here today in the holy lands, to unite these three people in holy matrimony. Their decision to marry has not been done through impulse, rather on dedication and a connection. So today they shall be publicly declaring their private devotion to each other amongst the company of their closest friends. They will today, accept each other in their entirety as lovers, companions, and friends. In sickness and in health, to hold each other, til death do they part. Do you Sapnap, take Karl and Quackity to be your lawfully wedded partners? Promising to love and cherish them, through joy and sorrow, sickness and health, and whatever challenges you may face, for as long as you all shall live?"

"I do." Sapnap smiled.

"And Quackity, do you take Karl and Sapnap to be your partners in life, and to share a path of life with them equal in love embraced as mirrors for your true self, promising to honor and cherish them, through good times and bad, until death do you part?" Wilbur asked.

"I do." Quackity nodded, not taking his eyes off of his partners.

"Karl Jacobs, do you take Sapnap and Quackity to be your lawfully wedded partners, promising to love and cherish them, through joy and sorrow, through good times and bad, for as long as you all shall live?" Wilbur asked Karl.

Karl laughed lightly, "I do."

Wilbur smiled, "can the ring bearer please come up?"

Skeppy stood from his seat by Bad, carrying over a pillow with three gold bands on it.

"I was told that there were no vows to be said, even though they had two weeks to prepare," Wilbur paused to let everyone laugh, "so the grooms may exchange rings now."

Sapnap, Karl, and Quackity exchanged rings clumsily. Fumbling over who gave who a ring. The awkwardness was met with kind hearted laughter once they each had a ring.

"I now pronounce you partners!" Wilbur smiled, "you may now kiss your spouses!"

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