498 28 13

T.W.: mention of suicide

"Dream. You fucked up." Technoblade glared at the masked man.

"What exactly did I fuck up?" Dream asked.

Tommy gripped Wilbur's sleeve tighter.

"You bastard!" Tommy shouted, "don't pretend like you don't fucking know! You stole my disks! You blew up L'manburg! You fucking killed me! Then fucking resurrected me!"

"Tommy-" Philza started.

"No!" Tommy yelled, "not one of you know what Dream has done to me! What happened in exile!"

"Exile?" Tubbo echoed quietly.

"Dream made me put all my things in a hole so he could blow it up!" Tommy was borderline sobbing at this point, "he manipulated me into thinking he was my only friend! He destroyed Logstedshire! I tried to-! I almost tried to kill myself..."

Tommy grit his teeth in the silence, "and worst of all. Dream cut off my wings."

"What?" Phil and Wilbur said at the same time.

"I-I'm sorry, I-" Dream started.

"Sorry doesn't cut it." Tommy glared at the masked man.

"Dream, we should go." George said quickly, grabbing Dreams arm.

"That's probably a good idea." Sam nodded, speaking for the first time through this whole ordeal.

"Fine." Phil said shortly, then turned to George and Sapnap, "Keep him away from the kids. Or else."

Sapnap gave a short nod before the four of them disappeared further into L'manburg.

Phil sighed, putting away his sword, "is everyone okay?"

Wilbur looked at the two with wide eyes, "you're actually here. And Technoblade as well- how have you been Techno!?"

Techno shrugged, "last I heard you were dead."

"That's what everyone tells me." Wilbur chuckled, "truth is, the last thing I remember is when you killed Tubbo under Schlatt's orders."

"Oh, uh..." Techno froze up, glancing at the goat-like boy.

Tubbo shrugged, "water under the bridge at this point."

"Wait, Techno actually killed you once?" Ranboo asked.

"I mean, it was under Schlatt's orders..." Tubbo rubbed the back of his head.

"I didn't exactly have much of a choice..." Techno pushed some hair out of his face, "and anyway, that's in the past."

"Yeah yeah." Tubbo nodded quickly, "no hard feelings over that. Now the butcher army maybe."

"Let's just consider it payback." Techno drawled out.

"Um, what was the butcher army?" Fundy asked.

There was a moment of silence.

"What the fuck just happened?" Tommy asked.

"I don't know, but I don't think that matters right now." Phil said, moving to stand in front of Tommy, "what exactly happened during your exile?"

"Um..." Tommy gulped, glancing at L'manburg, "oh! When did L'manburg become a lake! Look at that!"

"Tommy." Wilbur gently grabbed his arm, "what did Dream do?"

Tommy didn't say anything for once.

Techno sighed, "Dream cut off Tommy's wings."

Tommy stared at Techno with wide eyes, "how did you- I only told Ghostbur and Ranb..."

"I've known you your entire life Tommy." Techno said, "you showed up at my house, after escaping Dream and didn't talk about flying once. I kinda pieced it together."

"Tommy," Phil gently placed his hands on the child's shoulders, "You can't really feel better if you don't talk about things. Please don't keep secrets like that from us."

Tubbo and Ranboo glanced at each other before looking away.

"Tommy, what happened?" Wilbur asked.

"I-I... I don't-" Tommy stammered.

"Maybe we should go somewhere more privet before we start asking questions." Ranboo said.

Techno shrugged, "the Arctic Empire is always devoid of people."

"Alright." Phil stood up straight, fluffing out his wings and wrapping one around Tommy, "let's go home."

"Actually, my home is more up north, so..." Fundy quietly edged his way out of the group, "I'm just going to go..."

"Oh, alright Fundy!" Wilbur smiled, "I'll visit you soon! I want to see how my little son has grown up!"

Fundy laughed lightly, "I'll... I'll save a seat for you at dinner."

Wilbur rushed forward and hugged Fundy, "I'm sorry I was such a shitty father. If it's not too late, I'd like to make it up to you."

"I'd like that too Dad." Fundy smiled lightly before pulling away, "alright, I'm going home now."

"Bye Fundy!" Wilbur waved as the fox walked off.

"So..." Ranboo leaned over to Tubbo, "how did Wilbur have a fox son?"

"It's better if you don't question it." Techno sighed.

Tommy gripped onto Philza's soft grey feathers. He was about to come clean to everything Dream had done to him. Everything he'd tried to forget.

"Tommy?" Phil whispered, "are you okay?"

Tommy jumped, but quickly hid it with a smile, "of course! I'm Tommy-fuckin-innit!"

Phil laughed, "of course you are."

Tommy smiled for real as Phil ruffled his hair. Maybe he was slightly touchstarved.

"So? Are we heading off?" Techno asked, already heading toward the portal.

"Yeah, let's go!" Tubbo smiled.

Ranboo chuckled and smiled, wrapping his tail around Tubbo's wrist.

"Alright, alright." Wilbur laughed, "let's go to this whole Arctic Empire place."

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