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T.W.: mild panic attack

Wilbur watched the kids closely as he followed them up north-west. He has so many questions bubbling in his head. Like who was Ranboo? Why does Tubbo have a winter outfit? When did Tommy grow up?

"The soul sand tunnel!" Tubbo yelled from up ahead.

Ranboo shifted Tommy, who was still asleep, on his back, "hold on Tubbo, we don't have soul speed. We'll drown before we get to the end."

"We can still run along the top!" Tubbo said, already climbing up.

Ranboo sighed and started climbing up, much more carefully, as well. Wilbur followed close behind, just in case Ranboo and Tommy slipped.

Wilbur watched Tommy closely. Ranboo offered to carry Tommy so he would've left alone. His little brother had yet to wake up, even as the air around them had started getting cold.

Tommy shivered slightly when the group jumped down on the other side of the bridge. Wilbur shrugged off his trenchcoat, throwing it over Tommy's shoulders. Ranboo jumped at the sudden coat on his back and looked at Wilbur in surprise.

"Tommy was shivering." Wilbur explained.

"Oh..." Ranboo nodded.

It was silent for a moment.

"So you and Tommy..." Ranboo started.

"Yes?" Wilbur crossed his arms, definitely not in an attempt to stay warm.

"You seem really close to him." Ranboo said, "but in all the time I've known him, I've never really heard him talk about you."

Wilbur paused, "Tommy has been through a lot by following me, I don't blame him for wanting to push me away. But he's still my brother, I can't help but worry for him."

"Wait, you and Tommy are brothers?" Ranboo asked.

Wilbur chuckled and nodded, "We're both Philza's sons. Techno and Tubbo are kind of like our brothers as well. We were all raised by Phil at least, but Tommy and I are Phil's only biological children."

"So, of you and Tommy are Phil's kids, then who's the mom?" Ranboo questioned.

"Um-" Wilbur froze, "well would you look at that! We're here! I think..."

Sure enough, in front of the group stood a large, half caved in mansion. The trees outside had grown wild and unkempt. One of the doors had been broken down by what looked like a sword.

Tubbo was standing in front of the doors, his shoulder slumped and his ears low. Ranboo walked up and carefully placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I know I said I wanted to sell it..." Tubbo said quietly, "but I was really excited to move in..."

"I'm sure Foolish will rebuild it." Ranboo tried to console his platonic husband.

Tubbo nodded and rubbed his eyes, "let's find Michael."

Without another word, Tubbo turned sharply and walked over to his house. Ranboo and Wilbur glanced at each other before following him up the steps.

"Mich-!" Tubbo called as he opened the trapdoor, "Michael!?"

The room was empty.

"Michael!?" Tubbo yelled, running around the room, "MICHAEL!?"

"Tubbo!?" Ranboo called, "what's wrong!?"

Tubbo jumped down, "Michaels missing."

"What?" Ranboo whispered, letting Tommy fall off his back.

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